Tuesday, October 30, 2007

a thousand kids will fall in love in all these clubs tonight.

Halloween this year was a pretty good shitshow.

A bunch of friends dressed up in homemade costumes (Kate's specialty) of the Flintstones. They even won a prize of free money to spend at the bar. Naturally a mooched on their victory...

I kept wandering around all night slurring "I'm a fuckin pirate". And I was probably the worst pirate in town, let me tell ya.

Oh well, we had a good time, and we saw some kickass costumes. Of note were the real-looking Batman, Spawn's ridiculous suit with glowing eyes, and the Halo character. Didn't get an pics with em, but probably shoulda.

a thousand other kids will end up gushing blood tonight.

I watched Michael Moore's Sicko last night, and I gotta say it was pretty fucked up.

The fact that insurance companies are literally killing people (knowingly) is absolutely ludicrous. I can't see how it's legal to call life saving surgeries "experimental, and therefore not covered by your policy" when the operation has been a proven success. That's defacto murder in my books.
Not to mention the people who don't even have insurance in the first place...

I also have to say that I'm growing less and less fond of Moore's tactics. I think he's a plug. A plug who makes a hell of alot of good points and does a service to the country with his work, but a story-spinning plug nonetheless.
The whole thing of sneaking into Cuba with the boatloads of people while yelling into a megaphone at nobody? Come on...
But still it's pretty telling that the allegedly evil people of Cuba go out of their way to make the Americans feel at home. Plus the Cubans sell them drugs at a ridiculously small fraction of the price they're paying at home.

See, the problem with America is selfishness. Selfishness, and the idea that they are the best country in the world, a view that self perpetuates ignorance through patriotism.

"We're the best because we say we're the best, hence we're the best
" is just bullshit rhetoric that doesn't apply to the real world. And it's detrimental both at home and abroad, because people of that mindset generally exert very little effort into making the world a better place. Afterall, why would we need to fix the greatest country int he world? After all, it is the best, so don't fix what h'aint broken ya'll.

It all stems from capitalism, but the US takes things to the extreme. Instead of healthy competition, they view competition (and capitalism in general) as such: how can I get mine, regardless of how many other decent people I fuck over in the process.

See, in the examples of the Canadian and British systems, everyone uses the democratic idea that no matter who you are or how much money you have, you deserve to have good health care. American zealots of the opinion that the aforementioned ideal amounts to socialism (oooh, scary!) are obviously making a mitt-load of money from the current system of fuck the poor, heal the wealthy. Either that or they're just plain ignorant.

But Canada and Britain are still democracies, and they're doing a hell of alot better in a great many areas that Americans could ever hope to do. And the reason for this...? -- we see ourselves as part of a whole, not merely selfish little individuals who must hoard all of the resources we can.

And the French example hammers home an even more important point, albeit a political one. The French government fears their people, and American people fear their government. Very V for Vendetta-esque, I know, but it's an extremely important idea. The people in true democracies shouldn't be repressed and scared half to death all the time, just because their government says so.

But again, for a plutocracy that has fooled it's citizens into believing that they live in a democracy, it's not a hard sell when the people believe that they're actually free. Not to mention the usage of that ideal to export a whole buncha democracy around the world at the barrel of a gun and the tip of a missile. Ain't it grand?

Bah, it's all disgusting bullshit.

two thousand kids wont get all that much sleep tonight.

My stomach feels like complete garbage.

I'm finally on drugs for this bloody cough I've had for the better part of two months.
I told the doctor at the clinic that I'd had it for awhile, and he chirped me by saying "Wow, I guess this is a last resort then, eh?"

Anyway, we put me on this shit called Biaxin and I also got hooked up with an inhaler.
Unfortunately the Biaxin is children's formula since I can't take pills, and the shit tastes absolutely atrocious. But the steroid inhaler is even more disgusting, and I gotta rinse my mouth out after I take it cuz it'll probably give me cancer or something otherwise.

Anyway, the shit is rough on the gut and I'm none too pleased. Hopefully it'll cure my SARS though.

two thousand kids they still feel pretty sweet tonight

Matt Good + Dala + Massey Hall = Mint

Best show I've ever seen him do, and the man himself had an epiphany on stage.

Alone on the stage for over two hours with just an acoustic guitar.

Double encore to standing ovations.

Highlights -
Suburbia, Fated, 99% of Us is Failure, Born Losers, Generation X-Wing, Alert Status Red, She's In It For The Money.

Even played The Fine Art of Falling Apart.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


i've been trying to get people to call me freddy knuckles
people keep calling me right said fred

and it's hard to keep trying when half your friends are dying
and it's hard to hold it steady when half your friends are dead already
we got taxmen coming around the back in the kevlar vests
militia men cooking up a batch of the crystal meth
we got wars going down in the middle west
we got wars going down in the middle western states
kevlar vests against the crystal flakes

i've been trying to get people to call me freddy mercury
but people keep calling me drop dead fred

it's hard to take it easy when half your friends are way too easy
it's hard to get ahead when half your friends are dead
we got taxmen coming around the back in the kevlar vests
we got militia men cooking up a batch of crystal meth
and we got wars going down in the middle west
we got wars going down in the middle western states
kevlar vests against the crystal flakes

his elbow was a spiderweb
with five spiders trapped inside
and he said: you know the last guy, i guess he didn't even have to die
but the first four looked so nice
i wanted five
the first four looked so nice...

i've been trying to get people to call me sunny d
cuz I got the good stuff that kids go for
people keep calling me five alive

cuz the last guy didn't really die
i just lied
and the first four didn't really die
i just lied
too many people getting stabbed
getting tangled up in crabs

i've been trying to get people to call me johnny rotten
but people keep calling me freddy fresh

and it's hard to take it easy when half your friends are looking way too easy
and it's hard to stay in bed when half your friends are dead
taxmen coming around the back in the kevlar vests
militia men cooking up a batch of crystal meth
we got wars going down in the middle west
we got wars going down in the middle western states
white crosses and wooden stakes

- the hold steady

Sunday, October 14, 2007


People have been up in my grill alot lately.
  • I was sitting at a computer in the library last week, typing an email to a friend, and the fuckhead next to me decided to read every word that I was typing. So I decided to type out "Some loser beside me in the library is reading this email as I type it. What a fucking dumbass!" Needless to say, he stopped reading from my screen, but the prick stuck around for another 10 minutes or so doing his own shit.
  • I was punching in my pin number at the grocery store and a weird guy was hovering over me, probably trying to see my numbers. Leave me alone you fuck.
  • My roommate decided to sneak onto my computer and switch my facebook details to make my sexual interests include men, and only men. She then poked about 5 dozen gay guys from the London area, so I've had to update my privacy settings and delete numerous pokes that I've received. Not to mention the blocking of various homosexuals who tried to add me as a friend. It was kinda funny though, I'll give her that much...
  • The other day I was trying to stare at the hot new dancing girls that Western has brought out for football games, and our stupid mascot kept getting in the way of my view.
  • And just today those bloody anti-abortion people were out on Richmond St. again, hold up signs and stuff. I wonder where these people even come from, and how to they organize their little weekend parties that span 15-blocks of our fair town.
Now I don't have a problem with people expressing their views, but I do have a problem with these people making little kids hold up the signs. Not to mention the people they bring out in wheelchairs and whatnot.
The disabled people bother me because it's almost like they're trying to get the public to have pity and empathy for their cause, just because they're out holding up signs. I bet if they held up signs that said "Gays are the cause of cancer", you might actually be persuaded (if only a tiny bit) to believe that it could be true... (and who knows, that type of protester might even believe such absurdity, such as it is)
But the kids out there are even worse. They have no idea what the hell they're supporting, and they're just being used by their parents to get more attention for the pro-life movement. Considering most kids can't decide between the silly strings or the pudding in their lunch, I highly doubt they're actually opinionated about anything! Fuck.

Oh ya, and at that aforementioned football game my bloody 50/50 ticket was ONE GODDAMN NUMBER OFF!!! Conveniently enough, the winner was somehow associated with the football team.
It's all rigged I tell ya.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Giant Douche vs. Turd Sandwich

Amazingly, I actually made it out to the polls for the provincial election yesterday.
I'm usually up with all the political stuff, but school this year has kept me too busy to really care much about the election. Plus it seems like nothing drastic was happening, beyond the referendum for the new voting system.
The liberals ended up with an even larger majority than they had before, which actually surprised me. And as far as I've heard, the Conservative leader John Tory actually lost his own riding (which, incidentally, is my old man's riding).
Apparently two thirds of Ontarians don't like the new system that was proposed, and prefer to stick to the standard voting system. I think the new way would be a little more democratic, but the big parties would suffer, so I guess the hardcores got what they wanted.

Last week was stressful as hell for me, and I'm only out of the woods for a few days when it comes to exams and stuff.
I did make time to get out and golf with the lads on Saturday, which almost got rained out badly. We drove down to the course in a torrential storm, but the skies broke just as our tee-off time came around. We only played 16 holes, due to a combination of darkness falling and our rather large beer tab.

Not much else going on at the moment, but I need some bloody sleep.
Mint out.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Matt Weddle covering Oukast.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Chirp, Chirp, Complaint

I really ought to be studying and/or reading right now. I just know I'm gonna regret it come Tuesday. (I really wish I was more like Dwight in my everyday life.) Oh well, it's been awhile so I figured I'd say something...

Contrary to what I had previously counted on for starting my lab job, I only really got going last Thursday. Turns out that I needed to do a few training courses before I could actually start work. I just finished one of them yesterday, and I have to write an online test to be approved by the university. So far all I've been doing is moving stuff into the new building, so the safety stuff wasn't all that important anyway. Stupid hosers.

Yesterday was one of the busiest and most tiring days in recent memory. It all started Sunday night with my roommate throwing a party that kept me up til the wee hours of the morning with earplugs keeping me sane. My safety demo started at 9:30 which meant I had to be up for 8:00. After that I had a few hours of class, a couple of hours to fill out paperwork for the job and review my notes before writing an exam at 3:30. I then raced home, grabbed a few things, and hopped a bus to Toronto. A huge black dude (probably 6' 7") decided to sit beside the smallest white guy in his sight line (aka ME) which made for a cramped ride to the city. After a subway trip to my old man's place and a quick dinner and beer, I had to turn around in his car and head back to London. I got in at about 11:30, just in time to see the last few innings and terrible ending to the wild-card-deciding baseball game.

Granted it was a tough call to make, but the ump still go tit wrong, no doubt about it.

I'm still trying to shake this deep chest cough, and I'm actually thinking of getting it checked out. Maybe get a puffer to fumigate the old lungs or something.

Despite the pile of work I have ahead of me this week and on the weekend, I'm still looking forward to heading home, especially since my bro is getting me into a free day of golf. Apparently the course is awesome, and I'm gonna show up with all 7 of my shit-assed clubs and no proper golf shoes. Mint that.

As for intramurals this year, we're only doing baseball so far. And in a previously unheard of fashion we've lost 2 games in a row. Over the previous two years we hadn't lost a single game. Period. But it's hardly a surprise, considering we lost a bunch of solid players to retirement, and we've been 2 players short for each of our two games thus far. And that means that the 1st baseman also has to play catcher once the ball is in play. Go figure I was just the man for the job on Sunday, until my hungover and fatigued body finally won enough pity for the guys to settle me into the lazier position of 3rd baseman.

The NHL starts up tomorrow (well in North America anyway), and in the words of a great man, I'm "pumped to the Nth degree" for it. My nemesis, named Gamblor, will be back in full force this year, constantly enticing me to spend money on Proline.

I was glad to see that plug Steve Downie get suspended for 20 games from both the NHL and AHL for that hit on Dean McAmmond the other day. The most hilarious quote out of all the discussions about it was from McAmmond himself. "Everyone is saying I have concussion problems," McAmmond said. "I don't have concussion problems. I've got a problem with someone giving me traumatic blows to the head. That's what I have a problem with."

Anyway, considering how boned I am for exams, assignments, and essays in the next 7 days, it's high time I hit the old red button.
So on that note I'd better get back to it.