Thursday, June 29, 2006

Shut up and sing or yer life will be over

Mad props to the Dixie Chicks yo.
And I don't often give props to anyone or anything, since it's a stupid fucking saying.

Regardless, their latest single "Not Ready to Make Nice" (which I'm sure every Canadian has heard about 100 times) is a bold statement that's brought them back into the spotlight after a few years off. As far as I've heard, they debuted at the top spot on the Billboard charts with their new album Taking The Long Way.

Apparently their return was eagerly awaited by most in the music community (save for the South), with everyone wondering what message they'd bring with them after the whole Bush-bashing thing back in 2003. They were on tour in Europe when Natalie Maines stated at a live show in London, "Just so you know, we're ashamed the President of the United States is from Texas."

Gotta love the balls on that statement eh? But naturally it brought alot of fallout from them thar Americans down in Shotgun Country.

This from 2003:

Jake Easton
Updated April 23, 2003

If they were looking for a reaction, they certainly didn't have to wait long. Radio stations across the country have been busy dropping their music like a rock.

Angry phone calls flooded Nashville radio station WKDF-FM on Thursday, some calling for a boycott of the Texas trio's music. Jeff Garrison, program director for KILT in Houston said, "People are shocked, we've got them off the air. They cannot believe Texas' own have attacked the state and the President," Garrison said.

At Dallas radio station "99.5 The Wolf," program director Paul Williams said, "the comments touched a deep nerve in Texas because they came from one of the biggest country groups to come out of the state and were directed at a President who calls Texas home."

WDAF-AM (610), 61 Country, in Kansas City even held a Dixie 'chicken toss' party, where Chick critics were encouraged to dump the group's tapes, CDs and concert tickets into trash cans. WDAF program director Ted Cramer said about 100 people showed up, and the 125 or so CDs collected will be shipped back to the band's record label.

Nothin' quite like a gun-carrying patriot with a hard-on for any free speech or intellignet thought.

Shut up and believe everything that you hear! Those who step out of line are FUCKING COMMIES!! Hang the traitors!!! ... and so on and soforth.

Now the video for the song is alright, but I can't say I'm a huge fan of it. I do find it interesting that they use the famous line, "To talk without thinking is to shoot without aiming". The irony of that is quite funny when you look at it: the women who said this traitorous comment about Bushy are clearly intelligent enough to question the status quo, while those who boycott them and send death threats are the ones who blindly trust their commander in chief and shoot without aiming. Figuratively if not literally; don't forget the whole 2nd amendment dealie they have down there.

The group is set to start their tour soon, and they'll even be making stops off in good old London and Toronto, Ontario. Though ticket sales have been lower than expected, I can't say I'm surprised -- Those that ought to be heard in the world are usually the ones who have to yell the loudest to be noticed.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Good News Everyone!

It's just been announced that the mintastic show that is Futurama will be airing brand spankin' new episodes!

This from Reuters:

By Andrew Wallenstein
LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - "Futurama" has a future.

Comedy Central has resurrected the former Fox animated series from "The Simpsons" creator Matt Groening and David X. Cohen. At least 13 new episodes will be produced -- the first since the series' original run from 1999-2003.

The new batch is part of a deal the cable network made with 20th Century Fox Television last year to pick up syndicated rights to the existing "Futurama" library of 72 episodes. Comedy Central also had an option to air any new episodes produced.

New and old episodes will begin airing in 2008 on Comedy Central. Actors Billy West, Katey Sagal and John DiMaggio have agreed to return as voices for "Futurama."

"We are thrilled that Matt Groening and 20th Century Fox Television have decided to produce new episodes of 'Futurama' and that Comedy Central will be the first to air them," said David Bernath, senior vice president for programming at the network.

"There is a deep and passionate fan base for this intelligent and very funny show that matches perfectly with our audience, and it is great that we can offer them not just the existing library but something they've never seen as well."

"Futurama" isn't the first series to return to air after cancellation. The Fox animated series "Family Guy" returned to the network last year after getting a second wind on DVD and late-night cable.

It's too bad it won't be back for another couple of years, but that'll just make it ever better when the new episodes finally air.
This show's gotta be one of my fav's, and I own the whole collection of DVDs that exist right now. The show's got more wit than most cartoons, and I like the whole mix of 3D stuff into normal cartoon format.

The one I miss the most is Dr. John Zoidberg. What a fucking dynamite lobster he is.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Runnin down the road tryin to loosen my load, I got 20 women on my mind. 10 that wanna stone me, 10 that wanna bone me, most of em are friends of mine

A couple weeks ago I was awakened in the morning not by my alarm clock, but by a dream of a girl. A girl I hadn't dreamed of in a long time, and I have no idea why she popped into my mind that night.

But since then I've been doing some thinking about all the girls in my life. Those that have come and gone, and those that are still in my life.

And the more I think about it, the more I realize that every single one of them sees me in a different light. I suppose the same can be said about all of the people I know, cuz even the smallest action or first impression can forver change the way someone sees you.

But in all fairness, I do some of the stupidest things with girls. It's not often that I'd send a guy a ridiculous drunken email at 3 a.m. (I'm sure I have, but it wouldn't have the same content.... if ya know what i mean. hahaha).
On the same token, I do some of the nicest things for girls, and I know they really appreciate it. Again, things that I wouldn't do for a buddy of mine.

So it's hardly any wonder that some girls see me as an amazing gentleman, and some see me as a comple fucking idiot.

Some harldy know me and think I hung the moon.
Some know me well and think I'm an unitelligent fuckup.
Some have been complete bitches to me, and I can't help but love them.
Some have been amazing to me, but I don't give them the time of day.
Sometimes I make an ass of myself and girls think it's charming.
Sometimes I go out of my way to be a great guy, and girls couldn't care less.

And vice versa for every one of those I just listed.

From all the angles, I find it hard to get a grasp on where I actually fall, though it's undoubtedly in between the extremes. But that begs the question of which girl actually sees me for who I really am. And maybe the answer is... noone at all.
I could be wrong, but it might just be a girl I've yet to meet. My future wife or something like that.

Anyway, I don't know where I was heading with this, it was just something on my mind.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

I fucking knew it

You've head of Nostradamus, right?
Introducing *bum-ba-da-dum* --- Nostramintvis!

I knew this summer was gonna be shite at work.

I took a day off last week for my bro's grad down in St Kitter's, and I came back friday only to find that 2 guys from our 5-man crew got fired the day I was gone. Now, the one deserved it cuz he was too lazy for my boss to handle, but I think the other guy just got caught in the crossfire.

His name was Greg, and he was an awesome guy to work with. Always willing to lend a hand if anyone needed it, always friendly (even to people who were being complete pricks), and always easy to talk to about anything.

He could do far more at work than I could hope to do, and I think the boss even realizes it was a mistake to have fired him. He was a definite asset, but now we're pretty fucked.

We just got a new guy today, but he has no experience at all with the kind of stuff we do, so I'm gonna have to be a teacher to a guy whos twice my age cuz the other two know-it-all about the biz, and generally aren't the greatest mentors. It's also kinda weird to be the "superior" to a guy of that age. And the other two guys I work with are probably 50, so it really sucked that my two former co-workers got fired, cuz they were closer to my age. Now it's me and three old dudes.


I can harldy wait to work extra hard now that I'm the only one with youthful energy.
Though I'm not exactly a ball of electricity to begin with.

So fuck. We'll see how it goes I guess.

Friday, June 02, 2006

There's a reason that I hate this town...

I've just finished my 2nd week of work back at the old construction job, and it's as if I never left for 8 months, besides the fact that we're down one man. So now we've got a 5-man crew for the summer.

I wanted to stay down in London for the summer, but nothing came together for a lab job or anything like that, so I'm home til September again. Hopefully next year I'll find something that pays well and gets me on the road to a career, something like what my bro has found for now. He's doing an internship with the Blue Jays down in Toronto, and the idiot commutes 2.5 hrs each way everyday, sometimes even on the weekends too. But it's wicked that he got in with them, and hopefully a full-time job results. Failing that, he's still got an awesome stat for his resume.

Plus he can get free tix to games, which is dynamite. I've already been to two games, and already caught me a foul ball! "Mint that shit", I say.

I'm kinda worried that this summer won't be nearly as good as last. I had an awesome time at work, learning new shit all the time, and partying like mad on the weekends with concerts and trips and boozing.
But I fear that now I've learned most of what I need to know at work, and I'll get bored soon. I'm always interested in jobs until I learn everything, then I want to get the fuck out of the place. Shit, a few summers back I was running a machine the size of a garage in my 2nd week on the job at a factory - one my fucking own. There were 8 guys for 4 machines, and they gave me one to control all by my lonesome.

Never work in a factory children, it's bullshit.

And it looks like the concert listing this summer is BS compared to last year too. Plus I already missed getting tix for Hillside this year, they sold out with shitty bands cuz there was so much attention drawn by the ridiculous talent they had there last summer. Fucking bastards.

But at least the summer should go quick. I've been running around non-stop for the last month, and it flew by fast. And with all the shit I've got planned for weekends coming up, I know the rest of the summer will be gone before I know it.

That's probably a good thing, since I hate this fucking town.
It's all the little things about the city, the people, and my parents' place that really annoy me.

Apparently thug life has taken over the youth around here, and you should see the fuckin jokes wandering the streets that used to be in highschool when I was there. Literally dozens and dozens of losers that I wouldn't want to talk to in a million goddamn years, and they all think they're the king shit of this town. The one-horse town that it is...

It took a night of drinking downtown to remind me just how much I want to leave here. Some might say I'm an elitist now that I'm a Western kid, and I think I'm to good for this town. But the truth is, I'm the kind of person who outgrows things when they need to be grown out of.

This town is full of more hicks than you'd think - the type of gay-bashing, Nascar-watching, mullet-sporting, gun-toting, unintelligent fuckups that are the proverbial skidmark on the underpants of society.

It's all well and good when you're a kid and don't know any better or notice. But once you've seen what's out there in the world, certain places feel like cages.

If someone could please open the door and let me out, that would be phenomenal.