Thursday, September 29, 2005

Ooh Sinner Man! (Nina Simone)

I am not a fan of George W. Bush.
In fact, I pretty much hate the man.
The world would be a much better (dare I say, safer) place if he was never born. Or, more importantly, if he wasn't elected into the White House twice by the "majority" of the American people.
But it's hard to blame just one man for all the problems of the current world, considering that if he wasn't there, it would just be a different evil fuckhead bent on world domination and control.

Now we all know W is a religious man (or at least exploits religion for his own gains). He's even claimed that he was chosen by God to lead the world in democracy etc, etc...
Nonetheless, I have found a way to explain why this man will be sent to hell.

So with out further adieu -

(in increasing order of severity, as is customary)

1. Lust: Though happily married, GWB is only human. He's got urges and needs that must be satisfied, like any other man. And seeing as he travels the world alot, he has great opportunities to hit up the foreign booty. Chinese, Australian, Russian, Brazilian, Indian, Spanish, German!!! He can pick up ladies anywhere, but for some reason he seems the like the Brits the most...

2. Gluttony: The man has quite the appetite in reality. He's been on a diet for years, and pretty much every single press photo or video you see has been digitally altered. He's actually 352 pounds at present, but he looks like a trim 175! Modern technology wins again! Apparently he also like the taste of the common kitten, I don't know what that's all about.

3. Greed: Not a whole lot needs to be said here. He gets neck-deep in shit yet manages to escape by *gasp* buying his way out of trouble! Money and connections lead to more money and more connections. He's got more money than anyone truly needs. Crooked bastards deserve to go to hell. Especially when they're bathing in dollar bills, all the while with blood dripping from their hands.

4. Sloth: Recent events have only further exposed the truth that W is a lazy motherfucker. He always seems to be sitting around doing diddly-squat when he's needed most. Remember watching him on his ranch before 9/11? That's when he shoulda been working, aand possibly saving America from those plane crashes. Remember when he sat there after the first plane crashed? Listening to that simpleton reading that stupid book? Meanwhile he shoulda been takin' care o' bizness and organizing the government. And remember when those poor black people were wading around in waist-deep water in New Orleans? Well just look at the pic and you can see what he was doing...

5. Wrath: Little Georgie doesn't like alot of things. He doesn't like people who blow things up in America. He doesn't like people who have abortions (sidenote: HE SUPPORTS THE FUCKING DEATH PENALTY!!! if that doesn't scream idiocy and hypocrisy, I don't know what does). He doesn't like people who have more oil, money or power than him. He doesn't like people who don't support his ideals. And all of this anger leads him to drop bombs on innocent people. Anger leads to hate. And hate leads to suffering. It also leads to hell, fucker. Have a nice trip.

6. Envy: Bush is just plain jealous of people with oil. If you have it, he wants it. And he'll do just about anything to get it. Not a very redeeming quality for the leader of such a super country!

7. Pride: This one links up to sin #2 in a way, as he always wants to look better than he actually does. It goes for just more than appearances, he wants the paperwork to look good too! And don't even mention fairness in the media, as the truth would make him look like someone bound for rejection at the pearly gates. Also, he probably seems himself as some sort of "god"; better than most people; deserving of the world. And this fucking patriotism is enough to make me sick.

All of the above + the reality of the world = GWB goes to hell

He might as well just give up and accept his future. That back sweat looks mighty nasty, and it only gets worse with the lakes of lava and sharp rock and such.
Have a pleasant flight.

If you wanna do something interesting, type "worst president ever" into the Google search. I've saved you the trouble cuz I know how lazy you are, you sloth-ing bastards. Check it out HERE.
I think that's very a telling result.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

A joke from Big Al

Donald Rumsfeld is giving the president his daily briefing.

He concludes by saying: "Yesterday, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed."

"OH NO!" the President exclaims. "That's terrible!"

His staff sits stunned at this display of emotion, nervously watching as the President sits, head in hands.

Finally, the President looks up and asks, "How many is a brazillion?"

Friday, September 23, 2005

Introvert to Extrovert

This summer I had a conversation with a friend about the movie The Beach. (If you haven't seen it, it's worth a watch)

It wasn't so much the movie itself, but the idea of abandoning your everyday life in search of something more. Just pack up some shit and leave for some distant shore.

We were discussing the idea, and I brought up the question, "Do you think you could do it? Just leave everything and everyone you've ever known to go on some adventure, maybe never to return?"

She seemed surprised that my answer was "yes".

(In all reality it would never happen. I have my obligations, my friends, family, possessions, yada yada... )

But in a deeper way I completely think I could do it, given the right circumstances. I've never (in my post-childhood years) felt completely at home anywhere. It's not that I don't fit in, or that I'm necessarily unhappy where I am, but it's always seemed that I belonged somewhere else. Even at this moment, as I sit in front of this screen in the wee hours of the morning, I'm thinking of all the places in the world that I could be. It's as if my everyday life is below my standards, but there's no way to get out.

So I imagine packing up a bag of essentials, emptying my bank account into my wallet, and leaving. No goodbye note, no forwarding address, no trace.


I'd travel where the wind blew me, preferably off this continent. I'd work shitty jobs just to get by, and live every single day as if I was planning on dying that night. I'd fall in love for a week, fuck the girl silly, then pack up and leave. No remorse, no regrets. After all, I'd never go back to that place, so what's the difference? Then it's onto a new place.
I'd live like I've always wanted to. I'd say whatever I wanted, do whatever I pleased, then hit the road again. The world would be what I made it, instead of me being what the world had shaped. Time would be meaningless. I'd sleep all day with no responsibilities and swim in the ocean every night.

It would be just fucking grande! Freedom in the most fundamental sense of the word.

But the one part of this story that must be addressed is where does it all end?

At the end of the movie Leo returns to the real world, as true paradise was unattainable. And I suppose I'd come back too. Living day by day probably isn't all it's cracked up to be (just ask a street kid) and I'd need to come back to my friends/family/life again.

And I'd probably miss my cd collection too much.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

It's about goddamn time.

I've been out of the loop for awhile with writing, but with good reason. First off it's been a busy couple of weeks. What with moving back to London and all, as well as my persistent state of drunkenness.
I've been meaning to put up a few more top 5's, but haven't gotten to them yet. Maybe I never will, who can say.

And although I've been running around like a fool, I have done a great deal of reading on the web about this whole Katrina thing. I've only seen maybe 5 minutes of TV coverage since I don't watch the tube much anymore. But online I've been reading like a motherfuck.

So I guess it's time to regurgitate some of that stuff, mixing my own opinions in a here and there.

First things first, if you want a general timeline of events, click here.

It's somewhat overwhelming to even try to write about this at all. There seems to be countless things to comment on, and I guess I'll just fire away with all things that come to mind.

To begin with, I gotta admit that at first I didn't pay any mind at all to this hurricane. It seemed like just another storm in the lead-up on the weather network, despite the fact that they were calling this the storm of our generation.

But it soon became apparent that this wasn't a small thing. The media were all over the tragedy before the "protectors" of the country even knew that it had devastated the Gulf Coast entirely. The chaos of lootings and shootings took over, mainly in New Orleans. Then you'd hear about gangs taking over buildings and average people robbing stores just to survive (and in many cases people were seen stealing for personal gain.)
For an interesting story that's been seen around the web, check this out... racism in the media.

Then the whole Superdome fiasco exploded. I heard of 7 year old kids being raped and murdered / women having to go to the bathroom in groups of five / kids playing 10 feet from rotting corpses / aborted children being dumped into trash cans / human waste and garbage everywhere / snipers on the prowl / people shooting at the first of the rescuers / etc. etc. etc.

Human nature came out and reared it's ugly head.

Then we get to the finger-pointing game.

Jon Stewart put it best when he said, "When people don't want to play the blame-game... they're to blame." (for the video of Stewart, along with many other videos, check out Crooks and Liars. They did a good job of keeping the video feeds going through the past few weeks.)

And is it any surprise that Bush got alot of the blame? Surely not, and I couldn't be happier. He chose a man to lead FEMA (The Federal Emergency Management Agency) who had absolutely no skills in this field. The guy's credentials include 'running horse shows'. No joke, that's how up-for-the-job he was. What a fucking joke.

Then Michael Chertoff must be examined. He is, afterall, the head of the DHS (Department of Homeland Security). And he's not much better. Considering the DHS is basically a PR scam to bolster support for the flavour of the week and bring us pictures of smiling faces, that should be no surprise. I bet he couldn't defend even himself from an angry three year-old.
If you want to see his incompetence first-hand, consider this quote and watch the video. "Louisiana is a city that is largely underwater"
Again, what a fucking joke.

Then we get to the prez himself. He urges us all to eat cake and play the ol' guitar while the poor black people suffer and die. He did a quick fly-over of N.O. in his jet apromptlytly ran back to Washington to hide under a rock. It's a shame that rock is being lifted (if you're a neo-con, that is). When he emerged, he visited barely-touched areas to show that he cared. But if he'd gone to the worst areas, he'd probably be dead right now. Bill Maher video here.

Barbara Bush was quoted as saying, "And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this is working very well for them." about the people moved to the Houston Astrodome. Classy! And telling... (just imagine if even half of the people there were white. I imagine she'd say something along the lines of 'this is totally unacceptable!')
Fucking Joke!!!

Dick Cheney, while putting on a nice face for the camera, was told to go fuck himself by an average citizen. And apparently this citizen was "a friend of John... nevermind. har dee har har."
All the while he was setting up his buddies to come in and clean up/rebuild the area with contracts that have no profit limits. Sound like Iraq much???

So now I'm running out of steam and sanity, but I urge you to read Tony Pierce's post. It's by far my favourite in this whole thing. In fact, check out his blog in its entirety. (it takes a few seconds to load up) He does a great job of calling "bullshit" on all the right people. And few people are willing to do that, especially the righties.

All in all, one thing you must consider is this: deep inside you, there is a little man or woman saying "it's about fucking time". It's about time the US is made to pay for its arrogance and warmongering. It's about time GWB is exposed as a completely incompetent FUCKING JOKE of a president. (Even the right cant hide behind gay marriage anymore, and he only has 38% of the pop. vote). It's about time for the world to see that the US is not as all-powerful as they've been preaching.

An it's about time for some change.

Monday, September 05, 2005

This beautiful poison, we drink it down in style.

Last night was the first heavy boozing of the school year.
Today was by far the worst my body has ever endured.

I woke up in a loveseat at KT and D's joint, with no idea where I was.
I moved onto a couch and crashed again, only to wake up a few hours later with a raging headache.
Shortly thereafter I was praying to the porcelain gods.
I then proceeded to puke on-and-off for a solid 5 hours.
My body is sore from heaving and I was uncomfortable as shit all day long.

So now everyone's gone out to have fun, and I'm sitting alone at home.
And aren't we all fucking fools? We poison ourselves again and again (I bet I technically had Alc. Poisoning today) and never seem to learn from our follies.

Until next time...