Contrary to what I had previously counted on for starting my lab job, I only really got going last Thursday. Turns out that I needed to do a few training courses before I could actually start work. I just finished one of them yesterday, and I have to write an online test to be approved by the university. So far all I've been doing is moving stuff into the new building, so the safety stuff wasn't all that important anyway. Stupid hosers.
Yesterday was one of the busiest and most tiring days in recent memory. It all started Sunday night with my roommate throwing a party that kept me up til the wee hours of the morning with earplugs keeping me sane. My safety demo started at 9:30 which meant I had to be up for 8:00. After that I had a few hours of class, a couple of hours to fill out paperwork for the job and review my notes before writing an exam at 3:30. I then raced home, grabbed a few things, and hopped a bus to Toronto. A huge black dude (probably 6' 7") decided to sit beside the smallest white guy in his sight line (aka ME) which made for a cramped ride to the city. After a subway trip to my old man's place and a quick dinner and beer, I had to turn around in his car and head back to London. I got in at about 11:30, just in time to see the last few innings and terrible ending to the wild-card-deciding baseball game.
Granted it was a tough call to make, but the ump still go tit wrong, no doubt about it.
I'm still trying to shake this deep chest cough, and I'm actually thinking of getting it checked out. Maybe get a puffer to fumigate the old lungs or something.
Despite the pile of work I have ahead of me this week and on the weekend, I'm still looking forward to heading home, especially since my bro is getting me into a free day of golf. Apparently the course is awesome, and I'm gonna show up with all 7 of my shit-assed clubs and no proper golf shoes. Mint that.
As for intramurals this year, we're only doing baseball so far. And in a previously unheard of fashion we've lost 2 games in a row. Over the previous two years we hadn't lost a single game. Period. But it's hardly a surprise, considering we lost a bunch of solid players to retirement, and we've been 2 players short for each of our two games thus far. And that means that the 1st baseman also has to play catcher once the ball is in play. Go figure I was just the man for the job on Sunday, until my hungover and fatigued body finally won enough pity for the guys to settle me into the lazier position of 3rd baseman.
The NHL starts up tomorrow (well in North America anyway), and in the words of a great man, I'm "pumped to the Nth degree" for it. My nemesis, named Gamblor, will be back in full force this year, constantly enticing me to spend money on Proline.
I was glad to see that plug Steve Downie get suspended for 20 games from both the NHL and AHL for that hit on Dean McAmmond the other day. The most hilarious quote out of all the discussions about it was from McAmmond himself. "Everyone is saying I have concussion problems," McAmmond said. "I don't have concussion problems. I've got a problem with someone giving me traumatic blows to the head. That's what I have a problem with."

Anyway, considering how boned I am for exams, assignments, and essays in the next 7 days, it's high time I hit the old red button.
So on that note I'd better get back to it.
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