Thank god for small blessings. These damn comercials that we've been inundated with for the past year are finally going to shut the fuck up and get off the tube.

I thought the opening ceremonies were kinda weak, aside from the wicked light show that took place on the main stage, transforming it into a variety of scenes and landscapes.
It was heavy on the French, heavy on the Native, and heavy on the Don Sutherland (not that I'm complaining about the last one.)
Those 4 dildos that rose from the stage we pretty hilarious, and I was amazed to see Shane Koyczan doing his poet thang on the pedestal. Haven't seen him since Hillside a few years back, cuz the rain was too heavy to tolerate during his set last year. Pretty damn big stage for a relatively unknown dude. Plus he's lost some weight. Good on him.
I woulda liked to see Shatner carrying that Olympic flag into the arena too. That woulda been epic. Greztky was a good (and obvious) choice for the final torch bearer, and it's a shame they fucked up the most important moment with those faulty hydraulics. And that drive through the nutbar crowds was a little strange as well...
Overall I don't have much interest in the games, though I'm sure I'll watch my fair share. Like most Canadian men in the age group of "3 to 97", the only thing I'm really interested in is the men's hockey. Gold or bust, but there's some damn tough competition, namely those wickedly fast and shifty Russians. Should be an interesting tournament.
Oh, and I have no doubt that we'll get that elusive gold on home soil. We'll probably rake in a few actually.
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