I have to say the recent change of scenery has done alot for my mood.
The past few days have been much less shitty, I do say.
I think the nice weather is helping too.
For the record, I think that bogus "disease" called seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is complete shit. James and I were talking about it the other day, and we got to thinking... if everyone feels shitty and depressed cuz it's cold, miserable, and dark all the time, how the hell can you call that a disorder? If we all have the same problem, it's not exactly special when one person bitches about it more than the rest. They're just complainers.
Anyway, the party last weekend was pretty solid. Killed a Texas mickey of Wiser's, which is kinda surprising, considering we had about half a dozen people at our place when the clock hit 9 p.m. I guess everyone was saving themselves for later in the night.
I can't say that I remember much beyond midnight, mainly due to the porchcrawler effect.
If you wanna make a porchcrawler, empty a can of frozen lemonade into a jug, fill that can with whiskey (or vodka if you choose) and toss it in, and then add 3 beers. Tastes like lemonade and it'll get you proper fucked.
My bro was gooned by the time anyone really showed up, and he paid for it in puke the next day. I think a few people ended up puking that night too, and apparently some dude took a wicked tumble out our front door and onto his face.
We even had birthday cake for James and Jake-hole.
It was kinda sad to be missing a few key members of our crew, but we had a great time regardless.
I thought I'd have trouble getting back into the work cycle this week, since every other time I've moved it's meant a change from school-to-job or vice versa. But it wasn't bad at all. I'm fairly motivated despite the lack of results I've been getting, and I'm hoping we sort some shit out in the next week or two. Mind you, a new project is starting up, so I might get pulled away from my main focus for awhile.
Back to the weather thing, I do love the summer dresses (see above) but when April ended I noticed a drastic drop in the amount of bitties running around this town. Sad tale, but I'm not exactly surprised. I'm sure there'll be a ton of girlies out on the patios this summer to gawk at.
I, myself, have even pulled my ass off the couch for a few runs already (hard to believe, I know). They last about 12 minutes since I have the endurance of a geriatric, but it's gotta improve. Can't get much worse than it is right now...
Exercise makes me hungry for secondary dinners.
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