It originally came from my undergrad house, but I have no idea who put it there. And strangely enough, even though they look nothing alike, the girl in this painting always reminds me of my old friend Joc. She actually bailed on her room at the last second in that house, leaving only 5 guys, myself included. So I suppose this picture took the place as the lone female.
I always assumed it was one of those generic print that you'd buy at Walmart or Winners or something, and I had no idea it was a famous painting. That is, until I stumbled across it on the cover of The Great Gatsby at Chapters last month. Having never read the book, I decided to pick it up because it was on cheap, and it was a hardcover.

The book itself was decent, but didn't live up to my expectations since I've heard the name dropped many times over the years.
And even more surprising was my discovery that this very painting hangs above the kitchen table of the legendary Hank Moody from Californication. Apologies for the poor quality screenshot of Karen and the painting, but thar she be:

Just another prod in my ass that I should start into my own epic writing career...