Then I came across "In the Womb" which is a completely badass show about the development of different fetuses in the animal kingdom. Incredibly cool. Saw one a while ago about the kangaroo - hands down the most disgusting display of nature in motion that I've ever seen.
Let's see, what's new...

Two weekends ago there were a ton of plans, most of which collapsed entirely. Didn't make it to TO for the 80s party on the friday; didn't get to TO on time saturday to do anything but swim in a saltwater pool for half an hour; didn't make it to St. Kitts for the golf tourny (which got cancelled due to the shitty rain anyway); didn't make it to Grape and Wine; didn't get into the Factor's pad for hours that night cuz he bailed to the rippers. Got a hot girl's number though... what what!
Lots of hockey drafts in the past few weeks. Got some solid teams methinks. Hopefully that'll pay off with some cash money at the end of the year.
Last weekend was homecoming down here in Londontown. Went out for a casual beer on the friday night, which turned into a casual dozen, and an atrocious hangover the next day. Solid night though.
Started drinking at about 11 am at the pancake kegger on saturday, but had to take a nap midday. Woke up in a panic at about 7 pm, thinking it was 7 am on monday. Ugh, the life of a working stiff. Got shithammered again that night, and saw a ton of ppl from the old school era. Good times.
Work has been killing me for about a month now. Tons of OT on the books, which explains my lack of posting. It wears me out like it's nobody's business, and without a nap today I'd be screwed for tomorrow. Today was go-go-go from 8-430. Barely had time to breathe.
Went out to see Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs last night. Pretty funny. Went with my one-and-only 3D girl - never seen anything in 3D without her... weird.

The Ugly:
- My $400 dollar glasses got shattered off my face in dodgeball last weekend. Adios Buddy Holly.
- My iPoo'd drained completely this week and couldn't be recharged.
- My shoulder is a complete wreck from dodgeball. Tried taping it last time, didn't help.
- This makes me laugh uncontrollably. Bad times for that mofo! "Long Live Berlusconi" - direct quote from Berlusconi himself. hahahaha classic.
- Found $5 on my driveway this morning.
- Won a McGriddle (whatever the fuck that is) on my Monopoly from McShits today.
- iPoo'd is currently charging! Fuck yeah!! No idea why it started working again...
- Flintstones Vitamins = Happier Mintvis. Direct correlation, I swears.
- Bitches ain't shit but ho's and tricks.
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