Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Edge of Western Civ'lization

Well slap me in the face and call me a lesbian.

I never thought I'd say it, but today at the grocery store I bought... tofu.

Life has been boring lately, so I figured I'd try something kinda new, and kinda gutless. The shit was really cheap actually, much cheaper than I thought it'd be. I'll have to mix it into some dirty asian meal that already has beef or chicken in it though. None of that vegetarian shit for me.

I've been watching alot of Californication lately. Hilarious show, and Duchovny is completely badass. Can't wait for the new season to start. The kids used to say I looked like him, back in the day when the X-Files were in their prime.

I pretty much want to be Hank Moody when I grow up.
Writer. Alcoholic. Sex Machine. Hopeless romantic.

On the topic of writing, I've started reading a book that outlines how to become a freelance writer. I'm hopefully going to start a little moonlighting in the next month or two. If not for the money, then for the challenge and the time-consumption.

Can't wait for another exciting week at work!

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