At long last, we got a summer weekend. Too bad the first one of the year came in fucking August.

Friday started out with a damsel and myself checking out D's gig in the park, then hitting the Josh Ritter concert, followed by a trip to the Frog to see Hines and Doyle do their musack thing too.
D was good, I haven't seen her in forever. Ran into an old floor-mate who was with her too, and met her parents. Her old man had a hilarious story about the Ceeps. He was money.
Ritter was much better than I expected. There were only a few songs that I didn't recognize, which always makes concerts more fun. As the opening act was finishing up, I ran downstairs to take a piss, and coming out of the washroom I almost walked right into Ritter himself. Tall man. I was side-boozed by the end of the show, considering we had only split a pulled pork sandwich for dinner at ribfest. My lady friend was tipsy enough to think that she knew the names of all the songs based on the first line of lyrics. It was pretty entertaining and hilarious.
Snow is Gone
Opening lyrics
= "birds beneath my window, dustyin their wings upon the lawn..." Female input = "
Oh this song is called 'Birds' right!?"
No dear.
We grabbed some food on the way up Richmond, and made fun of a brutally awkward and creepy kid who was hanging out alone at the park. Until his friend arrived, that is, and they shared a weird embrace...
We only stuck it out at the Frog for a beer, then met up with some really *cough* cool people *un-cough* that my roomie was chillin with for the night at another bar.
Saturday started out and ended with a hangover. I ended up boozing in the park across the street while KP tanned and read a book. We were supposed to go out to a party that night, but Jake-hole mixed up the nights and it turns out the party is next weekend. I did get those two hosers out to D's second gig, and I finally grabbed her CD. Haven't given it a listen yet.
We three roomies split some ribs for dinner, and they were absolutely brutal.
You'd think they'd have decent ribs at a thing called
Ribfest. Guess not...
Passed out early that evening. Borrrrrrring.
Sunday a few of us finally managed to get together and hit up Grand Bend for a day at the beach. It was pretty sweet, not to mention the beauty drive through the country. It had been awhile since I could let the wind rip past at a buck-forty with the sun shinin'. Felt good.
That night I was rudely stood up by a friend (bitch, hahaha) who later bought me a few drinks at the bar to apologize.
I ended up partying with a bunch of lads up near Masonville, which involved too many tequila shots and a bit too much flip-cup for my liking. I just can't hack it with beer, it's gotta be the fuckin Merlot baby.
We got booted from Jacks after a beer, and ended up at Jim Bobs, scoping out the jailbait. $2.50 Jagerbombs were devestating.
I finished the night off with a brutal convo with a certain girlie. Classic drunken Mintvis...

Monday I recovered, and nursed a sore ankle from jumping off of the roof from Sunday night's pre-drink. I also bagged myself on that same jump, but it was fine by the morning.
I even dragged my sorry ass out to the tennis courts with Jake for a little exercise. He hilariously whacked himself in the face with his racket and was bleeding pretty badly for awhile.
And today work sucked. What else is new?