Sunday was actually a t-shirt-on-the-patio day. We rocked a couple of Caesars, but they weren't all that great. I can make a solid Caesar, and I kinda wanted to jump behind the bar to make my own. Get some skills, honestly.
Friday night started with my friend Em and I scoping out costumes for a 5-person flip cup team that we were putting into a tournament that evening.
We were pretty much stuck for any ideas regarding a team name, or even costume ideas period, but as soon as we walked into the Goodwill, I had a mad brainstorm.
After seeing the large rack of bright pink women's shirts, I decided that we should have four of us dress in pink and one in brown, for the epic team name of "4 in the Pink, 1 in the Stink"
I even found a wickedly terrible sweater made by "The Helen Keller Foundation of Jerusalem". Obviously I was geared up to wear that one.
Needless to say Em was not so pumped for that idea. And after several phone calls to other team members, and a change of venue to the ol' Value Villiage, my idea was deemed "too offensive" and officially murdered.
But another look down the women's shirt aisle gave me another brainstorm. We scoped out the most horrific looking women's turtlenecks and declared ourselves "Team Foreskin". Em got a nice rose-covered one, I got a pretty little number covered in turquiose flower-like things, Jmath ended up with the white and red snowflake look, we got Kris got a disgusting purple POS, and Ty was forced to wear a nice white one covered in candycanes and xmas gifts. Even had little penguins and snowmen on the cuffs and collar...
We looked like complete assholes. James had man-titties, since his shirt was so damn tight, and I actually looked somewhat like a tranny. Not flattering.
And this party was being hosted by people that we barely know, which was part of the reason Em didn't want the first team name to stand. What a pansy.
Anyway, there were 10 teams in the tourny, and I had very little faith in our abilities. For starters I'm terrible at chugging beer, so I had to rock the one thing that I can chug - red wine. I started out with a nice 13.5% Merlot and ened up on some terrible mixed bag of "house wine", whatever the fuck that means. Thank god that crap was only 7%.
Add to that James' terrible flipping skills, and the fact that we had two girls on our team (no offense), and I thought we were going to get killed for sure.
Turns out we made it all the way to the finals! I nearly puked in the semi's, but held 'er together. So after losing the first game of the best-of-five finals, we won two and were a shoe-in for the trophy. But that was the point at which Em decided to fall apart at the seams and start taking 3 decades to flip her cup. So we ended up losing, but it was a close second. And I was probably the drunkest asshole in the place, courtesy of my poorly chosen beverage.
In fact, at the bar afterwards, I was chatting up one of the girls who beat us in the finals, and used the line "your sister is cuter than you." I dont really remember saying that, but apparently she made me repeat myself, probably because she couldn't believe that anyone would be stupid enough to say something like that... then she walked away angrily.
Fastfoward to 10 a.m. Saturday morning and envision James and I crushing Caesars... I followed that with a nap, only to wake up around 1 for some catch out in the yard with the boys.
That led to garbage can ballhockey in the street, which is apparently a ridiculously busy little road these days. Who knew? We had a good go of it though, and Baldy and I scored a few mint goals to take the title (unofficially of course, those other hosers would never admit defeat).
We all dressed up in our St Patty's day uniforms, and went to Molly's for the night. We got nice and wasted, but there wasn't any green beer at all. I guess they're saving it for tomorrow.
The night was semi-filled with stupidity and drama with friends. But we had a great time.
I dropped yet another gem of a line a girl - "Your abs are cushy", after poking her in the belly. Not cool apparetnly, but I honestly thought she'd laugh her ass off at me when I said it. Girls are too worried about that kind of thing, she has a fine body. Fiiiiiiiiiine. hahaha
Anyway I bought her a drink and offered to take her to McDonalds to prove to her that she needed to actually put on some weight. So I hope I did reasonably well to recover, she's a really cool girl.
I grabbed an entire pizza from Georgio's for $20 flat, which soon became the envy of everyone in the street outside. The girl even had to ask her manager if she could sell me an entire pizza, which was funny in itself. I just pointed and said "gimme that whole thing right there".
Ended up passing out on Em's livingroom floor that night.
Didn't get much sleep through the weekend, so I'm pretty spent. It'll probably be an early night tonight.
This week looks busy, both at work and in the evenings, so hopefully it goes by fast in the lab and slow in the nights. I'm actually debating whether or not I wanna hit the road for a jog right now. Unfortunately my legs are sore as hell from ballhockey, so I'll probably just loaf around.
Fuck I'm outta shape.
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