Tuesday, January 13, 2009

These dreams seem to cost money, but money costs some dreams

It seems to me that most people are glad the year 2008 is over with and done.
Most people are probably just pissed off due to the economy, but alot of friends have legitimate claims that it was a shite year for all sorts of other reasons.
My year was, if nothing else, interesting as hell.

In 08 I,
  • finally graduated from university
  • took a trip to the mountains (never to return)
  • drove the best relationship of my life into the ground for no apparent reason
  • got my first real job
  • sat in the front row, and sat in the bleeders
  • could've died a few times
  • met a ton of new people and made some solid new friends
  • lost alot of respect for old ones
  • spent way to fuckin much money, and saved none
  • did more in one year than the past five combined

Even though it's an arbitrary mark on a calendar, lets hope the new year brings more good than bad. This last one was a little rough.

1 comment:

crazycatlady said...


in 2008 I:

-had sex with.....3 people
-got into and started grad school
-lived in spain for the first 6 months, and in london for the last 3
-got a new cat

all in all, a good year.