The news feed on my MSN window came up with a title the other day saying something about the custody battle between Britney Spears and K-Fed.
Like, oh my gawd! I can't, like, believe she could, like, possibly take care of a child. Like, shah...
And ya gotta wonder...
It's unbelievable how much time and money some people will spend on this type of shit. Just look at all the tabloids, all the magazines and newspaper titles, and all the pictures of Joe-Fuckhead and Sally-Slutmaster. It's all a fucking illusion that average people are taught to buy into.
If you buy this product you'll get more sexy women to rub themselves all over you.
If your hair looks like this, you'll land yourself a nice rich businessman and live happily ever after.
Everyone's sent chasing the American dream and watching the goings-on of celebrities instead of trying to actually accomplish something in their own lives. Are we really that boring that we need to live vicariously through someone on TV or in a magazine? Do we really need to live up to these ridiculous airbrushed standards of the world? Should we be dedicating our time to looking at the cellulite piling up on some movie star's ass? Is Tara Reid's nipple all that entertaining? Does a photograph of Lindsay Lohan's snatch improve our lives in some way? And are the perverted photographs of the paparazzi something we really ought to be supporting here people?
Honestly, what the fuck. Try getting your own life.
Write a book.
Volunteer for something.
Read the news paper.
Plant a fucking tree.
At least better yourself or the world in some way, rather than waste time on the mental midgets we're supposed to idolize.

Don't worry Paris, I wouldn't dream of it...
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