Monday, August 06, 2007


Whenever I take a trip to my hometown, at the end of the stay I always find myself on the highway singing Podunk by the Foo Fighters. Terrible fucking song, and I bet 99.99% of the world has never heard it. Even fans of the band. And that's because it's only found on a few rare albums, one of which is the most prized CD in my whole collection, The Demo Tape.

Pretty much the main reason I wanna get a bulldog someday.
I'm gonna name him Clint.
And I'm gonna get a cat and name him Flicker.

Great names for animals.
And only the wittiest of people and most observant veterinarians will get the joke.

Anyway, I made an impromptu trip back to Barrie this weekend, and I had such a great time I didn't bother sticking around for more than one night. Hence, I'm back in London already on the long weekend.
I got together with a few friends and did a couple of things, but besides those positives I had absolutely no motivation to stick around. Some fat plug got all pissed last night at a bar because one of our chairs at the table was in his way, and we were only saved from a brawl by our new friend who was dubbed "Vesty". That's the kind of jerkoff you find in Barrie all the time - a fat guy who can't squeeze his gut into the ample space he had, so he resorts to violence instantly. Classy people up there, let me tell ya.

Next weekend a bunch of the St Catharines crew is heading up to the cottage for some good times and boozing. I'm really looking forward to it.

Plus I get my eye exam on Friday, so I can finally get new glasses. Not that my eyes have changed all that much, I just can't stand the ones I have now.

Never get transitions. Terrible fuckin things...


Sonya Bell said...

Oh Travis...please explain how your own drunken (mis)adventures are any more "classy".

Mintvis said...

haha, it's not so much the drunken adventures i mind. everyone does stupid things
it's the mullet-sporting gay bashing racists, and society's lowest common denominators that are so irritating