My bro and I each took the Friday off from work and had our girls down to Chatham for my cousin Eric's wedding. I had to race out the day-of to buy a new shirt because the dry cleaner's made my only white shirt even dirtier during the week, and it wasn't going to be ready for the Friday. But on the plus side, we dropped my uncles name at a store in downtown Chatham and got a 20% discount on the new shirt. Still, I hope they can clean the old one, otherwise I might have to burn the store down.
The wedding itself was at the bride's house out in the country, and it was a pretty nice spot. They kept the ceremony short, which we were all happy about considering the heat, and fortunately the rain held off for the day. The were calling for a ton of rain, but luckily it never came. After the ceremony my bro and I did our best to remember everyone's name in our family, and we introduced the girls to most of them. Then for a few hours we all socialized and had a few beers around the property before heading back into town for the reception.
Our table was right beside the bar, which was especially sweet considering it was an open bar. So we all got pretty drunk, but nothing compared to a few of my cousins, one of whom was hitting on our girls pretty hard. It was pretty funny, but eventually I had to step in and save them from his ramblings. And I actually got up and danced for a few songs that night too; a rarity for me.
The next day I caught an early lift with my dad and step-mom up to Guelph for the annual Hillside weekend. They spent the day at the show, but I spent the rest of the weekend there with my cousin Sean, and his buddies Trevor, John, Grant, and Mike. The same crew as every year...
The line-up was less than spectacular this year, but I did hear a few bands that were pretty good. Some young kid named Justin Nozuka was good, The Dears were solid but a little too noisy, Two Hours Traffic caught my attention so I grabbed a CD of theirs, Blackie and the Rodeo Kings had a full band for their set, The Immaculate Machine was pretty decent, but Emily Haines of Metric was a little disappointing and dark.
I was also introduced to a wicked band called The Hold Steady by Sean, who are pretty fuckin mint. And I also met a little girl from U-Vic named Lisa who was pretty cool to hang out with for the weekend. Maybe we'll meet up next year, who knows.
I stuck around til about 5 on Sunday, which is later than I've stayed any other year, but had to get home to London in order to drive Jenn back home, only to turn around again and drive another hour back home to London. Fortunately my dad lent me his car for all of this, otherwise I'd have been screwed. But that meant that I had to drive the car to Toronto right after work and catch a bus back home after he had the car back.
A lot of traveling, let me tell you.
And I'm still spending money like a trophy wife. Gotta stop doing that...
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