MySpace flat out confuses the fuck out of me. I've only started to look into the workings of it, but goddamn is it difficult to manipulate so far. I'm mainly going to use it as a connection to bands via friend additions, but beyond that I think I'll stick with the better photo quality on Flickr, and the better reading frame of this blog for anything I write. And considering I have yet to learn how to play the old guitar very well, it'll be a few years before I offer up any master workings of musical art.
I'm not exactly a techno wiz, though I have managed to get about a 10% grasp on how to use this blog. And I think it's pretty decent, but I'm constantly annoyed by the layout, colours, etc. and whenever I try to fix it up properly I always get too damn frustrated to finish. (Incidentally, I just removed the backround picture to make the thing about a thousand times easier to read.) I've been debating whether or not to add a counter to the bottom of the page, but two problems arise. One, I have no fucking idea how to add a counter to this blog. Two, it's probably less depressing if I don't know how few people actually read my tripe. Not to say I'm writing any of this to draw the masses in, but you know what I mean.
I've been watching alot of South Park lately, so I decided to check out some stuff online. I came across that avatar creator here (I'm sure thousands of people would call this yesteryear's news, but shut up. It's new to me.) There are some damn funny combos you can come up with. Here's my self portrait, so to speak:

I've finally made some progress in the house hunt, but it seems like the pickin's are getting kinda slim. I've got a couple of places to look at tomorrow, and I hope they look good enough to live in for 8 months. If not I may have to become a squatter in my friend's laundry room.
Let's see, what else is new. I'm feeling kinda sick lately. Summer colds piss me off. My sleep has been erratic at best over the last few days, and I hope I can get it back to normal before the weekend is over.
I was actually supposed to go up to Welland for a party tonight, but the house thing has kept me in town. It's actually kinda nice to have a quiet weekend to get my shit together for once, and save some cash in the process. Though it is a pain in the ass I couldn't get up to the party.
I finished a Kurt Vonnegut book the other day during my lunch hour and breaks. Finished the whole damn thing in less than a day - miraculous. It was a great read, titled "A Man Without a Country", and it was basically a Carlin-esque look at the current state of affairs in the world through the eyes of a man who can joke about anything from the end of the world to Nazi death camps. Very entertaining.
Well I'm tired and I gotta get my sleep in order.
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