Wednesday, March 22, 2006

If you like it so much, fucking marry it

I recall a few years back sitting in my Chemistry classroom for TAG (that stupid thing that everyone had to go to a few times a week) and listening to this crazy girl talk to my chem teacher Mr. Killam.
This girl said the word "like" more fucking times in a conversation with Killam than I could even count. A few times I tried to make a tally chart, but once I got past 100 it got a little tiring.

As it turns out, this girl ended up being one of my best friends in highschool, but at the time I didn't know her at all.

I only bring this up because today in my Philosophy tutorial a girl was making a point to the class, and she said "like" just as many times as Lauren used to back in highschool. I counted 34 "likes" within a 2 minute stint, which is about 1 every 4 seconds.

I find it amazing that as intelligent as we are at this school, stupidity thrives. We're butchering the English language, and it's pretty annoying if you ask me. If you pay attention, you'll probably notice it too.

Like, anyway... that's like, all I wanted to like, say.

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