Tuesday, January 24, 2006

So this is the new year, and I don't feel any different

As strange as it may seem, it doesn't even feel like Christmas yet. Maybe it's all the warm eather we've been getting lately, but more than likely it's my mindset that's out of whack. It seems that every time Christmas rolls around it holds less and less meaning.

We just go throught the same old paces:
- see you family and exchange gifts for the sake of spending money on one another
- hang out with old friends while avoiding idiots from highschool
- booze through another overrated new year's party
- return to normal life with resolutions that last about a week and a half

But despite my disenchantment with the holiday season I was able to come up with a few things I'd like to strive for this year.

1) Never go to bed hungry - I hate that feeling, plus I could use a few lbs.

2) Commit more time to school work - the lazy days have gotta stop a.s.a.p.

3) Visit friends around town more often, and keep better contact with people at other schools - last year I was complete shit at keeping up with people ona regular basis.

4) Read some books to entertain, not just text books to learn shit from - my mind is full of too much science and I need some variety to stay sane.

5) Write more often - a number of people have told me I'm a good writer and they like reading my stuff, so why not do it more often? I have alot to say, and people should have the privledge of reading my shite.

That's all I can think of at the moment. Maybe I'll look back in December to see if I kept up with my goals. Time will tell I guess.

p.s. this was the most fucking boring post ever.

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