I'd never been out east, and I figured that the start of the semester would be the best time, as to avoid exams and assignments.
As it turns out, it was the perfect weekend to go because the weather was so good. It only rained a bit on my last night in town. We even had one day of 10 degree weather with sunny skies. That kind of shit never happens in the middle of January in Halifax; they're usually digging cars out of 4 foot snowbanks.
So my worries of flight cancellations were put to rest with the good forecast. Not to say the flights weren't interesting themselves though. It was my first flight in about 5 years I guess, and the first plane I'd ever been on alone.

So I wrote this little bit of tripe on the outbound plane:
As the plane taxied down the runway today I had a strange feeling. It wasn't quite panic, but something close.
My feeling was more like worry, I suppose. And it's not that I have any fear of flying at all; I actually have fun during the turbulent parts (Unlike my candy-assed brother who draws nearer and nearer to puking with every little bump. Pussy). And I wasn't worried about crashing and dying either, as I'm not one to really fear death in the first place.
What worried me was the things I've never said and done in live, but should've.
All the people who mean the most to me, and all the assholes who mean the least; I worry that they have no idea what I truly think of them. If this plane were to crash in 5 minutes, I'd hate to think of all the time I had wasted in the past.
Honestly, how hard is it to write an email to an old friend to let them know you still care how things are going and what's new in their lives? And think of how easy it would be to tell off that annoying friend-of-a-friend you've always hated.

If only it was that easy.
Imagine that next Wednesday was "say everything day". A day that you just told everyone you know the complete and total truth of what you saw in them.
I'd wager a guess that you'd probably build a few bridges if you did that.
Then again, you'd probably also make a fair share of enemies.
Funny how we live, isn't it? Some days you feel like screaming from the rooftops, but just quietly walk down the streets. Afterall, that's what everyone expects of us in our day-to-day lives. Don't stir the pot.
But imagine if everyone did tell the truth, all of the time. It would be like that Seinfeld episode, but on a massive scale.
Or that part in Almost Famous when their airplane is about to crash and everyone's darkest secrets get blurted out. How strange it would be...
Alas, the pilot's told us to buckle up for a bumpy landing. Wish I had more time to write, but its time to lay down the pen.
That landing was bumpy as fuck, let me tell you. It was by far the most fun I've had on a plane. The thing was rotating on all axes as it came in lower to earth, mainly because of the strong wind on the ground. I bet the pilot helped out with the turbulence, trying to fuck with us. Hahahaha, those nutty fuckers. Anyway, it just seemed like we were a brick that was twisting and falling as it came down to the runway. Very entertaining.
That night, after getting settled in at Andrea's place, I went to her boyfriend Geoff's house for dinner. I met his roommates, all of whom play in a band, Geoff included. So they just jammed all around the house while Andrea and I were catching up with all the shit we've missed in the past few months. Geoff and I biked to the store for some beer, which we drank at his place. Andrea and I went back to her place for a little Family Guy, with bong in hand. There's some pretty ridiculous shit in that new season, especially if you're stoned out of your skull.
The next day I got up and went to a boring Science Writing Class with her, then we toured the campus and took a few pics. To me it was a foreign setup for a school, with houses right across the street from huge buildings on campus. The whole thing was much smaller than Western too, but I liked the atmosphere there.

Later that day Andrea and I wandered the streets of downtown, checking out music stores and other places of interest. I found a CD that I've been looking for for about 5 years, which was sweet. We ended up having a nice dinner at this wicked little pub. I wish I could remember the name of it, but it escapes me. Then we went home for another evening of drinking, followed by a trip out to a bar for the night.
The bar we went to was connected to a few other ones in a strange fashion, and we had to chill in this one little Cougar bar called "Cheers" until the "Attic" opened for the musical entertainment of the night. One of my highlights of the trip was hearing a local bar band play Outkast's "Hey Ya" in Cheers. It was so fucking East Coast style, which was funny as shit.
The main band we saw upstairs was called "Slowcoaster" and as far as I remember they were good. I gotta admit, I was pretty damn wasted that night. I even found myself on the dancefloor, which is a rarity. Geoff's roomie Dave and his girlfriend were dancing up a fucking storm, Dave in particular. That night we all crashed at Geoff's place after hitting up a pizza joint for some post-bar grub.
Saturday morning Geoff, Andrea and I all went down to the city market, which is right at the Keith's Brewery. It was a maze of undergound passages and rooms, but it was really cool. People were selling all kinds of stuff, and I got a famous cinnamon bun from the bakery. Unfortunately Andrea was hung over as shit, so we didn't stay for too long. That day was foggy as hell too, so I didn't get a chance to look across Halifax Harbour. Oh well.
We chilled at Andrea's place for the day, and went down to the Marquee to see Feist play. I wanted Andrea's roommate Erika to come (She was pretty cute and cool; real girlfriend material.), but she had other plans. I think about 7 or 8 of us went to the concert, but only Geoff had a ticket. So what he did was go into the place, come out with a stamp on his hand, and then we'd copy the stamp onto our hands with markers that his friend had. It worked like a charm, and we all got it. The show was pretty good, and I really liked the venue. We got drunk/stoned at the concert too, but not as bad as the previous night.
And the next day I packed up my shit and headed home. That was a damn long day of travels, and I was glad to be home in London to relax and recover.
All said it was a dynamite trip. I was glad all the plans went off without a hitch. The only thing I wish I did was hook up with Erika... hahaha
Better luck next time eh?
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