Well it's been awhile since I've put up a post, as I've been running around the countryside or sitting around without a computer. So I guess there's a few things to update.
School finsished up with another fucking 9 a.m. exam. I think I wrote every signle final in Thames Hall Gym, which I hate as an exam room. At least it's over now. And then we capped the year with a party down at 291. It was pretty much chaos all night, lots of shit thrown off the balcony, and lots of "cat-calls" yelled from up there (even at old ladies, those sick bastards). Besides a few problems that night, it was pretty fun. Wish I didnt lose my damn jacket though. The next morning was by far the worst hangover I've had this year, maybe the worst ever. Then I raced around all day moving between houses with the boys, but everything worked out fine.
The night before last I got out to the Joel Plaskett show down in Toronto with my bro and old man. It was a pretty sweet show, and it lasted about 3.5 hrs including the sets of Matt Barber and Peter Elkas. I picked up the vinyl of La De Da and got it signed, and my dad got his CD signed too. I also found my lost CD of his the other day, which I'd been missing for months, which is mint.
So now I'm home for the summer, but I'm still jobless. Hopefully I'll get it sorted out this week.
Last night I had a dream that the US declared war on Russia, as they needed something to take the focus off of Iraq. It was as if Cold War II sprung up overnight and the nukes could've fallen at any moment. I also dreamt that I got about 150 more cheques from the bank than I had ordered. I'm not sure how that got mixed in there, but it was one more hassle that I didnt need to worry about, seeing that the world was about to end. I envisioned Bush and Putin with their fingers on the "red buttons" (not just proverbial buttons, but real buttons) just waiting for the other one to crack. Suddenly Ben Afflect sent them both a message that saved the world. Just kidding.
I actually woke up in a bit of a panic, thinking of just how close were were to Buffalo. Cuz afterall, that would be their first target, right?
Anyway, I have a pantload of shit to unpack and get organized here, so I gotta run.
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