Last weekend was the end of the hectic life for awhile. The 16th was the last day of wedding season for me this year, and we headed down to Chatham for my cousin Kelly's big day. Despite leaving Ottawa in cold wind and rain, the weekend weather was amazing down south.
Unfortunately I was absolutely exhausted on Saturday night, but we managed to party it up anyway. On Friday morning, the fire alarm went off on the floor above mine, and we had the brutal sound echoing through our hallways from 5 am-6:30. Despite the fact that the emergency was done at 6 o'clock, the alarm went off for an extra half hour. A few weeks ago there were drills all through the day for about a week while the whole system was checked. Unfortunately the doormen (despite these countless tests) were unable to shut off the alarm on Fri morning. Even after 6:30, they just put the PA system on the cancel off the fire alarm. So instead of raging beeps we got incoherent mumbling and humming for a few extra hours... fuck.
Friday night was just a long drive to my dad's place, which ended at 1:30 am and resulted in minimal sleep again since my bro came to get us at 8 am to head down for the wedding.
The wedding itself was good, not too long or anything. We had some lag time in the afterrnoon to have some beers at my aunt and uncle's place, then hit the dinner around 5:30. The venue looked like a barn from the outside, but they did a great job of renovating the indoors to make it a perfect spot. It was on a vineyard, and one wall was completely windows that overlooked the fields of vines with the lake in the background.

The rest of Sunday consisted of non-stop driving to get back home for my first indoor soccer game of the year. It was at 10 pm and I was exhausted. I haven't played soccer in years, and I've never played indoor, but I got into the rhythm pretty quickly. Despite my bro's shitty shinpads and socks that kept sliding down my damn legs, and the brand new shoes that had yet to be broken in, I think I did pretty well. We ended up beating a team of Ital's 3-0. Not too shabby for a bunch of hacks that have never played together! Our jerseys are uglier than sin - maroon and white. I feel like a fucking 5 year old out there.
And somewhat surprisingly (due to my relatively consistent workout regimen lately) I am still completely incapacitated from the waist down. Two whole days and I can barely walk, I'm so stiff. Hopefully next week I fare better in the aftermath.
I meant to note that the previous weekend was Thanksgiving, but it was pretty uneventful really. Just saw the fam, drove for countless hours, and read and slept and ate alot... and rocked some seriously stylish duds:

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