To me, that's the big difference between the "gun toting hillbilly" and the "liberal elite": Ignorance.
I think it's pretty fair to say that in order to be classified as "elite"when it comes to political views, be it left or right wing, you have to look at both sides of any argument, or at least be willing to admit when you're wrong.
Having watched FahrenHype 9/11, the conservative response to Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11, it's plain to see that one of these film makers was completely wrong. They got the wrong information, preyed on people's ignorances and fears, and played opinion as fact.
Needless to say, it wasn't Michael Moore who got it wrong. Coulter is featured in Hype, and amazingly she's also a best selling author. This woman has actually become quite rich by spitting in the face of common decency, and selling her conscience to the highest bidder. It's hatred-for-hire, and I'm amazed so many fools buy into it.
I'm also amazed that Western allowed her to speak. At least Ottawa had the right idea and told her that if she wanted to challenge the hate speech laws of Canada, she'd best not do it in the nation's capital.
One thing that does bring a smile to my face (and probably causes Coulter to lose alot of sleep) is the recent developments in US health care. Although the rest of the civilized world has enjoyed a good laugh at the mighty Americans as they bicker over a completely watered-down form of socially responsible health care, I think it's a huge step forward for them. I honestly never thought I'd see the day that the common American citizen would be giving a single penny to another person in a time of need, but here we are.

Not that there weren't a large number of morons who protested the current changes. These are the same morons who, if confronted with a monumental personal problem when it comes to the health of their families or themselves, would be entirely f.u.c.k.e.d. without a socialized system.
Then again, foresight is rarely a virtue of the fool. (See: Housing Crash)
Papa always said...