I remember when Mike died it took forever for me to get something up here to take the place of his picture. I guess I just don't feel like writing much in times like these.
But I have to say that recent events have cheered me up alot. I'm still pretty pissed off about alot of things in the last 6 months or so, but in the last week things have taken a turn for the better. For awhile there it seemed like bad things kept happening, and I kept saying well it can't get much worse - only to see things get worse... and worse.
I actually applied for a job up in Ottawa last week, but the following day my boss offered me a substantial raise along with full time status, so it looks like I'll be stickin around London for awhile. I was thinking it might be time for a change, but I suppose a change that big will have to wait.
I've also had an unexpected rise in the female presence in my life. It kinda came out of the blue on me, to be honest.
In completely unrelated news, I find it incredible that this is the logo for a fuckin learning centre for children:

It looks like a bewildered and retarded kid without a nose. Who the hell though that up?
Not much else to say beyond "holy shit it's hot in my lab".
27 degrees today. What a piss-me-off...