Thursday, February 05, 2009

So my bill at the beer store was $145...

Goddamn TD.
I've never had insufficient funds in my life.
But these bastards put a weeklong hold on my paycheque that I deposited last Friday, and my stupid landlord took out a G-note on tuesday for last month's and this month's rent. Pricks.

So my burrs had to go on the old mastercard.

Fortunately my rent cheques cleared by $1.37, which is my current balance (sans cheque).
Mint that.

Anyway, I'll have to mooch money for boozing tomorrow night. But I did have a gander at my change collection (terribly exciting I know) and found that I have $263.50. And that's not even including my little "Niglet" who holds all of my smaller coin-age. I have no rollers though.

So fuck.


crazycatlady said...

that "gander" must have taken like 3 hours if you had to count it dumbass. Maybe you should leave the "burrs" at the burr store next time and try going to church or something instead.....

Mintvis said...

my skin burns when i enter churches