Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Never underestimate stupid people in large masses

I just got in the door from a brutally long day at work (2.5 hrs overtime fack) and before I turn on the TV or look at any news websites I'd like to say this:

I would not be surprised in the least if the next American president is a god-fearin, nigga hatin, pro-life, pro-war, pro-Bush, anti-freedom geopolitical disaster.

The American people were stupid enough to vote Bush into a close 2nd place 8 years ago, stupid enough to re-elect the goon for a second term, and you can be damn sure they're racist enough to replace him with yet another republican fuckup.

Here's hoping Obama wins in a landslide. Imagine how pissed the republicans and McCain would be. Not only to lose, but to lose to a black guy. Oh the humiliation!! hahaha

I've got ot my fingers crossed...

As a little aside, I flipped by Boston Legal on TV last night and Spader v. Shatner was quite an interesting battle/conversation. The episode was about election day, and both main characters went off on each other about Obama, McCain, and Palin. I thought it was pretty strange to see that kind of thing the day before an actual election, not to mention the fact that they actually used the names of the real politicians involved - no beating around the bush.

Ballsy play by the writers/producers, I liked it. Needless to say Shore kicked Crane's ass, though I can't help but hope that Shatner would support Obama, were he to actually vote in this thing.

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