Yesterday was the last day of classes for the semester, and fortunately it was also the last day of work until the new year. And for the first time ever I have less that 5 exams in December. Granted, I had to write two big essays in the last two weeks, but that leaves only 3 exams, which is nice.
And after my exams are done on the 18th I'll be heading to the wife's to stay for a few nights before my dad and bro pick me up on the way to Chicago. Rather than buy each other gifts this year we figured we'd take a trip together and get out to a few hockey games. It's going to make for some tight travel times to make it home for Christmas eve, and I hope the weather holds out.
On a different note, for years I've been trying to figure out how the hell people can make pictures look like this:

But after doing a bunch of pictures and putting them up on my flickr page (as seen cycling on the sidebar), I only ran into more questions. One girl on there claimed she could make her camera select only specific colours without having to do any work by hand, but I can't figure out how she does it. She claims that every Canon can do it, but as far as I can tell mine can't. And the damn thing is fairly new, so I'm a little confused.
I'm also pissed off that the program I used to make the changes to the pictures was only a trial program on my computer that has subsequently expired.
Then again, tis the season. So I might have to ask for a decent program to screw with more photos in the future.
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