Here's the sequence of events that I've gathered about the case of a 19 year old Saudi Arabian woman who was raped last year:
1) A recently married Saudi woman was having an affair with a man.
2) She met this man in a car in order to retrieve a photo of the two of them together (it's against the law for a woman to be seen in public with man to whom she is not related.)
3) Two men somehow enter the car, and drive them to a secluded area somewhere in the province of Qatif.
4) Both the man and woman are repeatedly raped (the woman 14 times) by several attackers.
5) In court the two victims were each sentenced to 90 lashes for their crime of "illegal mingling". (Seven attackers received sentences ranging from 10 months to five years in prison.)
6) Upon appeal, the woman's sentences were increased to 200 lashes and 6 months in jail, because the courts felt that she and her lawyer used the media to sway their influence and aggravate the judges. Her lawyer was banned from the courtroom, had his legal license taken away, and awaits a disciplinary hearing.
7) The attackers' sentences were also doubled.
The Canadian government has openly condemned the case, calling it "barbaric".
The US state department, however, is against any "foreign interference" in the case.
They did, however, call the case "astonishing".
You want astonishing??? Try a little foreign interference in a little place called Iraq.
Or hell, let's get give a little interference that other evil country, Iran!
It's always astonished me that although most of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi's, Osama bin Laden himself is a Saudi, and even though Saudi Arabia is not a democracy, the American government (or average voter, for that matter) never looks down upon that particular country. For an explanation why, you need look no further than Bushy's comfy relationship with the royal family.
Sans-oil, you can bet America would hate their living guts.
Because America loves to hate people's guts.
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