Novels and short stories and shit, and it's amazing how my online reading has dropped off.
I think there are two reasons for it -
#1 I have tons of spare time at work, and I need something to entertain my mind.
#2 my disappearance from the online world for a few weeks at the start of the summer. It really does wonders to ruin your sense of connectedness with the world outside, especially when you're used to keeping daily tabs on a site like Crooks and Liars.
I've also been watching a ton of movies and listening to tons of new albums as well as old LP's. The reason for this is simple enough too - I've got a house to myself, which means my personal taste and opinion runs the joint. Nobody complains, not even the girls who live below me when I've got the bass thumping at its loudest.
The summer is flying by, mainly because my weekends are always busy. I've only had one weekend in London without anything "going on" per say, and I hit the town with friends on both friday and saturday night. The weekend stuff is getting expensive though, and it's not about to stop anytime soon. With tuition due mid-August, it's about time to start shitting my pants.

Is that not the most ridiculous fuckin thing? The arrogant bastard thinks that terrorism can be defeated! Bomb bomb bomb until all the terrorists are dead! And it won't even take two decades! I bet he also thinks that Saudi's fly planes into office towers without any logical precipitating cause.
Until the World Police realize that most of the world doesn't want them to be meddling in their affairs and bombing their babies, I think terrorism will remain pretty healthy. After all, children don't develop amnesia 15 years after a bomb has ruined their house and family.
Wake the fuck up.
In other news, I've got my schooling all sorted out for the coming year. Another full course load, even though I only really need a fraction of them.
It looks like 3 of us from the old place will be back, one will be gone to Ottawa for teacher's college, and the other two are Alberta-bound to work for a few months at least.
Now we just have to find a place to live and we're golden.
I also had a chat today with a friend of mine out east. We've laid down the groundowrk for a post-university move to Ausi-land to live and work for a time. Who knows how long it'll last, or when the idea is gonna get legs and walk, but I really do want to travel, and I love those sexy accents.
My friend Darrelle has committed herself to her music of late, and is doing a bunch of shows around the golden horseshoe. Ever since the first time I heard her play I thought she sounded amazing, and I'm glad to see that she's playing regularly.
Party boy is back from a year in Korea, and Sonya's off in South Africa for six months.
Bender and the boys are back from their multi-country European vacation, and my good friend Shannon is doing her Argentina/Bolivia thing right now, before a trip to the States and then a flight across to Europe to work in the fall.
See? Everyone's globe trotting, except poor old me. Haha.
I guess it's gettin on bedtime. Lots of reading to do, movies to watch, and records to take in tomorrow, so I gotta get some sleep.
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