We headed down to Cayo Coco, Cuba for a shitshow week of drunkeness and sun, and I think it's fair to say we made the best of it.
It's hard to recall everything since we were pretty much wasted 24/7, but I'll give a rundown of the most memorable things.
As we landed at the airport at about 8 pm, we looked out the window to see a white ground that looked strangely similar to the snow in Toronto, but the pilot assured us it was actually sand. And as soon as we got on the bus to the resort we started double fisting cans of beer to start the night off. I dont recall much from that night, but I don't think it was overly eventful. beyond Mather cutting his toe, and a few of us hanging out with some boys from Ottawa who hated the Leafs as much as we do.
The next night we went to dinner, where I foolishly decided to start chugging wine. I must have downed a full bottle in about 10 minutes, and that's the last thing I remember. When I woke up the next morning I knew something was wrong, since I felt strange wounds on my body and remembered nothing of the night. As it turns out, I took a ridiculous spill on the walk back to the room after dinner, and an old couple asked me if I was okay. Apparently I swore at them, and another couple was told that I was "slow" to which they responded "Awwww...."
As I was sleeping things off, four of the boys joined a talent show to see who would be crowned "Mr. Cuba". It turns out Kozzy won because he catered to the kids in the crowd by naming his favourite celebrity as Spongebob Squarepants. He won a bottle of rum, Steve fell off the stage while attempting to do a handstand, and Ben showed off his hilarious treasure trail while doing a striptease dance routine. Funny shit, too bad I missed it.
The boys came back to the room to see if I wanted to hit the bar, only to find me in a massive puddle of red puke, completely passed out right on the hallway floor. Mike started yelling, "He's bleeding" but it was actually just the wine. After James did his best Jack Bauer impression to try and get my to drink some water, they sent me to bed for good. I remember nothing of this, it's all hearsay (and the pictures of it are lost with Steve's camera that went missing that night. someone has pics of me laying in puke, and naked in a bathtub with a strategically placed hand towel. *grimace*)
Ben also got lost that night on another resort and showed up the next day with cuts all over his body. For some reason he was completely out of it the next day, and was unable to speak coherently. Was he drugged? Was he scarred for life somehow? Was he embarassed about some stupid adventure he took? Noone knows for sure. Not even Ben.
That was also the day that we met Serge from montreal who liked to play volleyball. We played with him a bunch of times, and it was a ton of fun rockin out to the tunes at the same time. James' voleyball skills were abismal, and even the tall boy Steve failed to impress.
Another day was spent on the beach, playing volleyball, wandering around etc. I'm pretty sure that was the day that Bryan fought a guy we named "Butterbean" in the main pool. It was pretty hilarious, I thought the Dude might drown Bry... considering he had about 150 lbs on him.
That night we hung out with our girls from home and took it pretty easy on the booze. A few of us took a walk down the beach to another resort, but it wasn't rockin the way we thought it would be. They didn't have a disco, the air reeked, and they ran out of booze. Heading home to crash I was a little worried that the rest of our week might be a little toned-down. Thankfully that wasn't the case...
The next day was pretty uneventful, beyond our booking of the deep sea fishing trip which was set for the following day. Steve ended up getting hammered at dinner. Then a couple of the guys had the bright idea of shoving him into a bush, where he landed on a rock and cut up his back. He has a gross scar now. At the time I was off searching for a bird who yelled "Beh" at us all week. I did get a good pic of Steve crying in the bush though (which is very reminiscent of a picture from first year actually). Naturally we got smashed that night, and if i remember right we just hit the disco and lobby bar for most of the time. I think that was also the night that Steve smashed a huge tray of beer and mixed drinks all over Luka, who was soaked and pretty pissed off at Steve-o. Funny for us though.
Now onto the fishing trip - arguably the best day of our lives up to this point.
We had to be up at 8 a.m. or something stupid, and I was just about ready to punch Mike in the face as he tried to wake me up. I'm pretty sure all of us were still plastered from drinking until 4 am, but Kozzy and James grabbed some beers anyway, and were forced to chug them because they were told that no beers were allowed on the bus. We were all feeling pretty rough when we got on the boat, but we decided to start pounding some rum to get the day going. It was an amazing day on the water, and probably the hottest of our whole trip.
As we were cruising out to sea with our skip and his partner guiding the way, a little old dude just emerged from below deck. Turns out he was the one who took care of the baiting of the lures and whatnot, but it was pretty strange to see him unexpectedly like that. He set all of our lines and for about an hour all we did was sing tunes with the stereo and drink. That was, until Steve's line jumped and he had to spring into action.
I'm pretty sure that kid has never stuggled so hard for anything in his life. As he was reeling in, he was saying "I can't feel my arms", and with good reason. He had this 30 lb grouper on the line and the bastard was rolling awkwardly to make it harder to reel him in. Once he landed the fish Gow collapsed beside him, a scene shown here:
After the first grouper, all we got were baracudas, but damn was it fun reeling them in. Each of us got one fish, which was dynamite. I was worried that James the fisherman wasn't going to get one, because he drew the straw that gave him last pull at a reel. But once he did we were all happy and we headed for shore. The captain let Ben and I ride up at the front of the boat on the deck, which was actually pretty dangerous. I was worried about losing the iPod and stereo, but we made it back with no problems.
It turns out we drank the boat dry after they gave us the remaining beer to take on the bus home (the same bus that didn't allow beer, oddly enough). We left the fish for our giudes and headed back to the resort. The whole ride home we were singing like crazy, dropping F-bombs like it was our job, and drinking our beer while trying to stand upright as the bus veered left and right. Kozzy decided to ride in the overhead compartment and then started pouring beer all over us. The other 15 or so people on the bus moved right up to the front, presumably to protect their children from us.
When we got back to the resort most of the boys went for a nap, but Kozzy and I stayed out at the pool drinking all day.
That night we decided to pay 10 pesos to go to a bar called "The Cave". And it actually was a cave. We had to ride on this open-sided bus/train thing for about 15 mins to get there, and teh damn thing was swerving all over the raod. We kept everyone in good spirits by singing oldschool songs like "The Wheels on the Bus".
For the first hour or so in the cave it was awful - they only had one bar open and it was about 40 degrees in there. Mike, Bry and Steve decided to bail as soon as the first bus was leaving, but Bender, James and I stuck around to party. From that point on the night got ten times better. We met a ton of people from Western, got tons of beer, and Ben even had a run-in with a hooker. She was trying to lure him into the bathroom, but he was oblivious to her intentions. Being the socialite he is, he tried to start a normal discussion with her. I stood back and laughed my ass off, but eventually dragged him out of that situation.
Then there was the bus ride home... where I had the bright idea to ride in between the cars of the train as it was whipping down the road. Then I got really bold and climbed onto the roof of the thing, stood there without holding on, and posed for this picture. Note my shirt blowing in the wind.
I bet that fuckin thing was going about 70 km/h, and again it was swerving all over the road. I realistically would have died if I had fallen. Oh well, you only live once, right? Once I got down they had to send a security guard back to keep and eye on me, but we were almost back at the resort anyway. I don't remember what we did when we got home...
The next day was rather depressing, because we knew the week was winding down. We had a good time though, drinking and trading stories form the day and night before. That night we hit the beach party that the resort had set up. There was a stage and music and tons of booze, so we had a hell of a time. There was an older dude who was completely shitfaced, and he staggered around like a fool until he eventually knocked over oone of the big speakers and brought the party to a halt for awhile. That night I got shoved into a pool, and Ben got pulled head first into an excruciatingly hot jacuzzi - both of us with our digital cameras in our pockets. Needless to say, they're both done for. Thankfully our memory cards weren't fried, because if they were the entire trip would've been lost. I had been taking pics all week long, ending up with about 450 of them. If those were lost, we probably would've cried.
We drank a bit the next day, but noone was really feeling it. We were worn out from the week, and we had to get ready to leave the resort by 5 p.m. Steve and I had to steal some towels to stop a maid from charging us 25 pesos apiece for "lost" towels that were actually picked up by the staff, as they were soaked in my red puke. We also bought all of our booze and cigars that day. We said farewell to the Brits and headed for the airport.
Our flight was delayed, but we kept ourselves occupied with some card games. I think everyone but me slept on the plane home, so I got to see the entirety of Rocky Balboa. Decent movie.
So there it went - as we stepped out of the T.O. airport (wearing only sandals, shorts, and a short sleeved shirt), we all pretty much agreed that we have to do that kind of thing at least once more before we get too old.
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