Over the past few years my parents have acquired the annoying habit of picking up a tree on Christmas Eve. So for the first few days that I was home it just felt like any other day. Add to that the fact that it was so bloody warm this year right through til January, and you've got the makings of a meaningless trip home.
Not to say that it wasn't good to see friends and family and everything, but the season is just losing its lustre.
Because of the weather it suddenly seems that every single person in the land believes in global warming. Probably a good thing, even if it was just a freak year that won't be repeated any time soon.
As soon as I got home I was greeted with an array of cats that set my allergies off. My parents have 3 cats and my bro has 2, so there was no avoiding it. That was one reason I was itching to get back home, the other one being the boredom that goes along with my hometown.

A bonus from my time at home was the day that I was checking the weather on TV while the weather girl was doing the national forecast. She was a large-chested girl, and I almost bore witness to both of her nipples, I swear to god. It was just a combination of the shirt she was wearing and the angle of the camera I suppose. Good stuff though.
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