But it's pretty damn clear now that it actually was him. And apparently he wasn't on anything, he just snapped.
Now everyone's up in arms, people are disgusted, yadda yadda... (no pun intended)
You see black social leaders standing on soapboxes holding forks, in reference to one of the insults Kramer yelled that night; everyone's asking Jerry what he thinks; Richards is on Letterman apologizing with the audience laughing; jokes are being made at his expense, etc etc.
It's the talk of the day and everyone's pitching in their two cents.
Personally I don't even care anymore. Cuz let's face it - everyone's at least a little bit racist. Yes, even black people, including the guy at the club that night that called Richards a "cracker-assed motherfucker". Nothing quite like fighting fire with fire.
It's sure as hell not going to stop me from watching Seinfeld or buying the DVDs.
He made a mistake, he's sorry, let's move on.
Another story of late has been the upcoming release of OJ Simpson's book "If I Did It". And if you haven't heard of this yet, you will soon.
He is actually publishing a book that details how he would have killed his wife back when it all happened.

If this isn't an indication of just how sickening the money-hungry West has become, I don't know what is. The moral character of the United States in particular is going to be held up to the barometer when the book hits the shelves - and no doubt it'll sell like crazy. First of all to the celeb-idolizing idiots; secondly to the sickos who actively seek circumstances in life that are gory or morose; and thirdly to the flat-out curious.
Not only is this a sad attempt to profit from a tragedy (much like that movie about Paul Bernardo), it puts all of his ex-wife's family through torment again - as if OJ getting away with murder wasn't enough in the first place.
Oddly enough he's probably just trying to make enough money to pay off the civil suit that actually found the fucker guilty of the murders! And we call this justice eh? Apparently she's not only blind, but deaf and dumb too.
Contrary to my comments about buying Seinfeld DVDs, I'm not even going to give a second thought to this bullshit.
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