Exam marks are back and I got murdered on two of em, but the others went well. I'm gonna have to destroy the Pharm/Tox and Physiology finals if I wanna get a decent grade in those courses, but that's still a few weeks off. It's good to be done for awhile, save for a few assignments and an essay.
I've spent the better part of a week now tracking down potential lab or research jobs in London for the summer. I gotta get my foot in the door in my field of school, plus I really don't wanna go back to Barrie this year. I suppose it would be alright cuz my bro would be back home, along with some highschool friends, but I just get frustrated with that town. Last summer was fucking great, with an entertaining job and tons of parties and roadtrips on the weekends. I just feel like this year won't live up to last year, mainly cuz my high-paying job has disappeared back home.
I know at least a few friends will be down in London for the summer as well, so it would be good to stay here and hopefully advance my career in Med Sci somewhat.
In other news, the juggernaut that was Mustang Ale is done for the season in ice hockey. We lost our last game 4-1 in the quarters on Sunday night. Unfortunately I blocked a shot in the first period and had to watch the rest of the game from the sidelines. From what I hear it was a stellar play by me, but I was more concerned with getting off the ice than looking back at the play. At the time I left the game we were up 1-0. No wonder we lost the game, our star D-man was gone too early. hahahaha, yeah right...
Even worse than the loss that night is the pain that's screaming through my foot and ankle at all hours. It's at the point that I can't even walk around the house, so yesterday I went to the hospital for X-rays. Fortunately they came back negative (assuming the 25 yr old doctor read them correctly), but that doesn't ease the pain and discomfort I have right now. Considering my problem with swallowing medicine, it looks like I'm gonna have a rough week. I did get a pair of crutches, but they're a pain in the ass to use. My whole foot is kinda purple-lookin at the moment, and even my toes are swollen up like little sausages.

For the record, I happen to like my cankles and sasquatch leg hair.
All of this puts me out of our water-polo game tonight as well. The Wet Dream Team is the name we go by. (That title is the brainchild of Mather and I.) We're in the 2nd round of playoffs, and we should beat our enemy easily tonight. They were weak in the regular season. Really weak.
Kozzy's trying to convince me to come to the game anyway, since I'm the captain of the team. I'm supposed to sign game sheets and shit, but I really don't think it's a big deal if I miss it. Unfortunately my co-captain is M.I.A. as well, which gives Kosmack's idea some pull.
But I really doubt I'll go. It's gonna be a huge hastle to even get to the bus stop, not to mention the pool on campus.
So I dunno how things are gonna work out tomorrow. I've got class from 8:30 am till 10 pm, so there's no real point in coming home. The problem's gonna be getting back and forth between classes. For some stupid reason I have my early class at one end of campus, the next one is at the ass-opposite side of campus, then I gotta race back to the first place for my following class. And these are 10 minute walks for healthy people. So I'm pretty much fucked. Unless my foot magically heals overnight I'm boned.
And tomorrow night is the twins' birthday party as well. If I can't walk for that, I doubt I'll bother going. Who the hell wants to take crutches to a bar? Not me. On the plus side, if I can walk, I'll have an excellent excuse for not hitting the dance floor.
If I can't walk by St. Patty's day, I'll be really pissed. On that occasion I will take crutches to the bar. Maybe I'll get a few pity drinks from friends. Hell, I can dream can't I?
So that's the news for the moment. I'll have more to say about a bunch of shit in the next little while.
Stay tuned.
1 comment:
rule number 1 of a man having an injury travis: don't complain, don't explain
it means suck it up and stop being a pussy
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