The thing that annoyed me (and the other guys) was the moocher in the washroom who wanted our money. If you're a guy you know what I'm talking about, but if you're a girl I bet you don't. Apparently only males get fleeced by this type of thing.
Of course I'm talking about the black guy who stands there to watch you piss. Once you're done, he first gets the taps for you, making sure the water is nice and warm (in reality he'll probably scald or freeze your hands, depending on your luck.) Then he'll hand you paper towels to dry yourself with, and follows that up by offering you one of a dozen types of colognes.

And we're supposed to give him money to do this. Things that we're entirely capable of doing ourselves, but we're expected to pay for nonetheless. Even if you tell him you're alright and don't need any help, he'll force his services upon you.
Now you may have noticed that I mentioned that this dude was black. I've seen this type of thing more than a few times, and every single time it's been a black guy. And I'm convinced this is no mistake. Not even fucking close to being a mistake.
It's as if society is expected to feel bad for black people, so they implant an unnecessary service into the economy to balance things out. But things in Canada are pretty balanced as they stand for people from all corners of the world, which is why I take offense to this type of bullshit. You never see an Asian, Hispanic, or Caucasian guy essentially begging for quarters in the john. I bet that black guy at TJ's the other night had a decent job and a pretty good education too.
Alot of people get uncomfortable with this type of thing, which explains why none of us wanted to go piss more than once at the bar. Generally, nobody wants to be watched in a washroom, let alone feel an obligation to pity someone else while they're in there.
So I propose that if ever you see one of these guys in the pisser, don't pay a dime. Because if we all withhold our pity and see the whole thing as a cherade, sooner or later these guys will pack up their shit. Once the well is bled dry, they're not gonna stick around for too long.
They'll probably just find some new way to convince us they deserve our money, because of all the wrongs that were done upon Afro-Americans in the past. So keep an eye for that too, and don't toss a coin in that cup either.
I've been yelling about that bullshit down here in St. Catharines for well over a year now! And you're entirely right, they stick a black guy in there because we're supposed to think this is what our society has forced him to resort to.
However, I think it's more than just the guy in the john who's at fault. The owner of the bar is the one who's really at fault because he/she is the one allowing that person in there in the first place, helping reinforce the stereotypes of that exist in our society.
This is exactly the kind of shit I should be writing about in my blog...damn you for stealing my ideas!
And by the way, girls also have to go through this down here...and yes, the lady in their pisser is black. (My wandering eyes sometimes drift into the ladies room hoping for a peek at something wonderful...haha, I kid, the girls down here tell me about how much they hate it too.)
You are a pervert. Get a hobby.
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