Fuck I hate getting my second wind at 10 p.m.
Had a nap after work, lazed around all night watching hockey and playin Perfect Dark with Jmath, and now I get a full head of steam. I actually wanted to go for a jog earlier, but I was far too lazy. Maybe some weights will tire me out enough to put me to sleep. Not likely though.
Work was ridiculously busy again today, but I probably accomplished the most in a single day thus far at my job. Thankfully tomorrow will be more relaxed. I just know I'm gonna be dead tired cuz I'm so wide awake right now. Always goes that way it seems...
On the good news front, I found something so elusive today at the grocery store that I almost crapped my pants.
You see, about three years ago the good people at Gillette decided to stop producing my brand of pit stick. Needless to say, I was fucking fuming. At first I thought maybe just a few stores had run out of the stuff, but after looking for
months I figured out that they had flat-out fucked me.
As most of you children out there in radio land know, pitstick is a very personal thing. I had settled into my very specific type and when they killed it I was lost. I had been raving for years (old man-esque) that I was going to write a letter to the company and chew them out. But my laziness got the best of me and I just pissed and moaned to anyone within earshot.
But today I found it - that unmistakable shape with that oh-so-sweet consistency of solid gel (none of that shitty goop that Gillette
still makes for some fucking reason) and that oh-so-important word "antiperspirant" - but it was under the name Right Guard, and being pitched as a "New" product.

Eat me, that shit ain't new.
And ten to one says Right Guard is owned by the same damn people that own Gillette anyway.
But I can't complain, I've got my baby back.
And the next time I'm up at Loblaws I'm going to buy the entire shelf of the stuff, no word of a fucking lie. You just can't trust the bastards anymore.