First off, I'm ecstatic that the Patriots lost the Superbowl. If they had won, everyone would rave about how amazing and how epic their season was. Undefeated/perfect/never see that again blah blah blah...
It's not perfection when you cheat. It's not perfection when you get favourable call after favourable call, just because the refs don't want to see the Pats lose. And it sure as shit ain't perfection when your quarterback saves his worst performance of the season for the only game that matters.
Go fuck a dozen models and leave em once they're pregnant you arrogant bastard. See if Mintvis cares.

If the Giants had lost the game after that amazing play where Manning miraculously escaped the crowd of defenders just to throw a Hail Mary of a ball to be caught in highlight rel fashion, I woulda been some pissed. Those are the plays that are supposed to win Superbowls, and I'm glad it turned out that way.
Next up, our trip to Montreal last weekend.
Eight of us in total headed up to frenchfry land for some good old boozing and hockey. We arrived in a brutal hail/snow storm, but the weekend turned out pretty well. The Habs beat the Isles, we got wasted two nights in a row, and had first class tickets on the train for the whole trip.
It was too bad that we didn't get to see much of the city though, since the hockey game was in the 2-5 pm slot, which essentially killed the only daylight that we had on the whole trip up there.
And I was supposed to be heading back to Montreal in a few weeks, but plans fell through for that. I can't say I'm heartbroken, considering I'll be going to Ottawa next weekend for the Family Day long weekend, and I've got no damn money to spend on an extra trip anyway.
It is too bad that I won't get to see my good buddy from TO, but I'll probably just head down to see him sometime in reading week anyway.
As for school, I've been swamped to the Nth degree lately. Lab reports, assignments, online quizzes, exams, and plain old lab work is starting to kill me. Add my actual job to the mix and I don't have much time for anything.
I did get my Masters application in last week, and I'm hoping to hear back from that soon. I'm kinda borderline with my marks, and I doubt this semester is going to raise them any, so I'm not too sure about my chances. But I guess if that fails I'd just try to find a job in my field around these parts.
As for a summer job, I just found out last night that I got the job out in Panorama, BC, working at a golf course with a bunch of buddies. So far Bender Stevo and Eddy are 100% hired, and we're waiting on 4 or 5 others to get their asses in gear and find out.

So as of May I'll have a nice change of scenery for a few months. Thew wife isn't too pleased with the whole idea, but she's been supportive of my choice, which is awesome. I just feel like I've gotta get away from Ontario for awhile, especially if I'm gonna be in school for an extra two years down here. And if I don't do it now, I doubt I'll ever get the chance again.
Anyway, it's time to hit the ice so I'd better be off.