Monday, December 19, 2005
Some fuckin people
Some people would rather destroy than create
Some people would rather grow old than grow up
Some people would rather slap than punch
Some people would rather stand and watch than take a stand
Some people would rather hide than seek
Some people would rather busy themselves than stop for five minutes
Some people would rather avoid than engage
Some people would rather forget than reflect
Some people would rather sleep around than sleep
Some people would rather hurt than help
Some people would rather take than give
Some people would rather hate than understand
Some people would rather hesitate than risk everything
Some people would rather fight than fuck
Some people would rather die than try
Some people would rather piss and moan than change
Some people would rather get a fix than get a life
Some people would rather take a dive than go down swinging
Some people would rather bathe in their own filth than take a shower
Some people would rather admire themselves in a mirror than look out a window
Some people would rather sink than swim
Some people would rather live on their knees than die on their feet
Some people would rather lie to themselves than accept the truth
Some people would rather watch Nascar than educate themselves
Some people would rather be the sheep than be the wolf
Some people would rather waste time on a blog than accomplish anything
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
I've been tellin' you I'm a genius since I was seventeen. In all the time you've known me you still don't know what I mean...
Go figure I slept through two classes anyway, but I just couldn't get to sleep last night until about 4:30. Mather and I stayed up watching Rescue Me when we should've gone to bed. Then we watched CSI for an extra hour, just to make things worse.
Fucking TV.
And now I'm left with one class in the semester, Sex Psych, which I've missed for the past 2 weeks. So I'd better go tonight.
Exams are just around the corner too, my first being Pathology on Saturday. And surprisingly I'm feeling pretty good about my studying for finals, but I've still got a pantload of info to cram into my skull before they hit me. And most of my marks this semester are less than stellar, so there's reason to panic.
I'm a motherfucker of a procrastinator, and this year has been no different than others. I always start the semester by saying, "this year I'm going to stay on top of my shit every week, put in a few hours every single day" and it never sticks. I'm just too fucking lazy. I've got minimal hours of class, with no labs or essays, and still I don't find time for keeping up with readings and reviews.
But sooner or later I'm gonna have to wake the fuck up.
It's 3rd year of university and I've still got my stupid habits from highschool. I think the problem lies in the fact that highschool was such a breeze, and I was always near the top of the class. Now I'm middle of the pack in marks, at best. That's not to say that any of these jokers around me are any smarter, per se. They just study more and stay on top of their shit. Fucking try-hards.
Marks are a piss-poor measure of intelligence if you ask me. Our whole educational system is based on learning information for a few critical days, then completely forgetting that stuff so we can study for the next exam. Remember the quadratic equation or the Krebs cycle? Goddamn right you don't. There's no question in my mind that I'm suffering in my marks because of this, not to mention countless others that are in this system.
How the fuck can we produce quality doctors, politicians, artists, and engineers in a system that holds the book-worm up as the apex of intelligence. Doctors can't be busy consulting their goddamn rolodex of procedures while they slice into your body; artists can't truly create anything if they're worried about getting the subjective approval of their teacher just to achieve a grade.
Therein lies the problem: we all need a way to measure things. And intelligence is just another "thing" that we hope to get a grasp on. But if you ask me, the greatest minds out there see marks as nothing more than an inconvenience. Some get good grades, some don't. So it's kinda tough to say who's really the smartest in a pack of university kids.
Then again, maybe I'm not as smart as I think I am. Afterall, if I'm so fucking smart, how come I'm stupid enough to let my work slip out of my hands? And why must I always cram like mad at the last minute just to save face?
That said, I'd better hit the books.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Speaking of democracy...

Nothing like filtering the information that the people receive...
Sign the petition here, hopefully someone (i.e. the CBC, who should get their heads out of their asses) will notice and make these debates legitimate.
In my opinion, every party deserves to have its voice heard in front of the nation.
You don't have to be a supporter of the Green Party to realize that.